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Here's a picture of me in a Mickey chair from Florida!

Hey! This is Sarah Marie! Welcome to my page! I decided to start all over because I was sick of my old page. I hardly ever get a chance to update this page so sorry!!!

Well, as you've already noticed, my name is Sarah Marie, simply meaning, I'm a Princess :). I am 18 a Senior (yes a lil scary) and from a small hick town in Michigan. I'm now done with my senior year of cheerleading. Yes, very very sad! But anyawys! When I'm not workin and get some down time, I LOOOVE to hang out with my boyfriend of over 2 years, Georgey. If I am not with him I like to hang out with my other friends, or my grrlies. I just added some pictures from my recent trip to Florida so make sure to check those out!

Here's a pic of me and Georgey from Florida at sunset:)

Bumper Stickers to describe me and how I feel:

Heres a couple of my Senior pics!

Heres a couple pics from when I won HOMECOMING QUEEN 2000-2001 recently... my grandpa escorted me! The other pic is of my and my grandma!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

View My Old Guestbook

All About Me
My One and Only Georgey
Check Out My Pictures
Senior Trip Pictures
My Shouts to My Pals
My Lauren!
To Jodi and Liz
Schtuff I've Written
Awards I've Won
Check Out the Links
