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"Joshua's Home"

"My Loving Grandson"

This is a picture of Joshua Monteiro. He is the youngest son of my son Scott.
Joshua was born April 22, 1997. We found out, when Joshua was 19 months, that he has a progressive, degenerative illness called Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

It is one of the 40 diseases that falls under the "umbrella" of Muscular Dystrophy.
Unlike MD, SMA is truly a motor-neuron disease. The atrophy happens because the nerves are not getting the stimulus they need in order for the muscles to function properly. SMA is the number one genetic killer of children under the age of 3.

With the help Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital in Nashville, the MDA and the United Way, Joshua has found some freedom by learning to walk with aids.

We don't know how long he will be able to "waddle" around but we don't question it, we just thank God for every little step he takes. His smile, at this slight accomplishment, is "thank you" enough to all of us who have come to love Joshua. He is a bright child with an inquisitive mind. He won't know the joy of playing baseball or running on the plaground like other children but with his smile and his wonderful disposition Joshua helps all of us cope with the sadness we feel.

He is just now starting to ask his Daddy if Santa can bring him a bike for Christmas. Joshua won't get the chance to ride that bike. His tremors are getting worse all the time.
He grows frustrated, at times, with his limitations and his hands shake so bad when he tries to feed himself that most of his food ends up falling before it gets to his mouth. He uses plastic utensils because of their light weight in his precious little hands. The wonderful thing about Josh is the love we have all seen through his eyes.

"If God puts angels among us, then we have been blessed, because Joshua is our little angel."

Believe In Miracles Kayla's Story Andrews Buddies
Theo 18 "God Bless" Ilsa Mae Story Samir Dahouk Story
Melissa"s Page Familys Of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Joshua's "Family and Friends"

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