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Strut's USA Adventure!

So you want to help charity AND have fun at the SAME TIME?  Seems impossible, doesn't it?  Well it isn't!  Zack, of Zack's Beanies!, and Chris, of The Bean Chronicles, have come up with a GREAT plan!  We are trying to send Strut across the USA!  How does this benefit charity you may ask?  We will auction off the Strut after his journey is over, and then that money will go right to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.  Here is some more info!

        Here is our exact plan:

We send Strut to the first person, who then takes a picture of them with Strut.  Then they send it to the next person who does the same thing.  But the only downside is that once your 5 days with Strut are over, you have to ship it to the next person, and you have to pay for shipping yourself.  Once Strut if finished with his adventure, he will be auctioned off and all of the profits will go to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

If you choose to participate, you can send in your picture (if you want to) and we can post it on our sites!  If you would like to help us out, please e-mail us a for more details.  If you would like to e-mail us separately, Chris's address is and Zack's address is


