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You know you're an *N SYNC fan when...

1. When you and your best friend can sit in class and recite every single word of every television program that they have ever been on and the teacher stops the class and makes you finish in front of everyone.
2. You know you're an *N Sync fan when you are talking to some who's not a fan and you refer to the guys as if they were your close personal friends
3. When you buy 2 issuses of BOP one to keep and one to pull the pins out of
4. When you apply to the same college as the one Chris went to just to say,"Hey I am going to the same school that Chris Kirkpatrick went to!"
5. If you relate to everything on the whole list people sent in including your own
6. I know i'm a 'N SYNC fan when I sleep with the cd case in my hand.
7. You order 6 tickets when you only need two just incase you lose the others!
8. You're the mom of a fan(she's 10 and I'm 36) and you have to watch the Disney tape and listen to the CD everyday, cause now you're hooked, too!
you have your parents fly you to Disney World and you make the ride attendants let you sit in every car at "Countdown to Extinction," just to ensure you sat where the guys sat when they went on the ride during the Disney special.
9. Your 44 year old mother knows all the dances from the Disney concert & thinks Lance is the hottest guy since Robert Redford!
10. You know you are an Nsync fan when you are listening to their Christmas album all year just so you can here their voices on two different CD's.
11. You know yor nsync when you drive four hours to see them in concert and on the way you see how many times you can listen to their CD.
12. You hear one of their songs and you can play the music video in your head as the song plays.
13. You watch their videos in slow motion over and over again.
14. You know You're a fan when you are answering "Yes" to all these questions!!!
15. You know you're a fan when you can sing all the songs backwards, tune and everything!
16. I know I'm an 'N Sync fan when I send a letter to the guys and I send it Certified Mail with Return Reciept Requested, just to ensure that it will be delivered to the guys, and I know it got there.
17. When you talk to a poster because you're down and just HAVE to talk to somebody
18 Go to a concert and waste all the film on pictures of you with Joey's brother.
19. You have to buy a new *NSYNC because the other one is worn out from being played so much.
20. You plan special events around *N Sync's schedule, like taking vacation at a city where they are.
21. You know you're a fan when you play hooky the day their new music video is going to debut and you watch MTV for an entire day because you just don't want to miss the first time they play it.
22. You know your a 'N Sync fan when you used the entire C drive on your computer just to save pictures of them.
23. You know you're a fan when you can watch a tv interview and when the interviewer asks a question you answer it before them.
24. When you yell at a friend if she puts the star in the wrong spot.
25. When you date a guy who is cousins with JC just to get his e-mail, home address, and phone number!!
26. When you go and get your nails done and have them write NSYNC on each nail.
27. You know you're an *N Sync fan when you have 34 floppy disks filled with pictures of JC, Justin, Joey, Chris and Lance.
28. You can have entire conversations using just titles or lyrics from their songs.
29. I know I am a fan because my boyfriend and his friends, and my brother (who's been in college for 2 years) and his friends know the difference between the backstreet boys and *N Sync.
30. You know your an 'N Sync fan when you have a whole video library with every tv show they have ever been on.
31. You know when you chase their bus and their limo around a hotel. And when you stand in the lobby of a hotel waiting for them to come through. And when you go up and tuch their bus and say "I can feel the power I can feel the power." Also when you go to the front of their bus just to look inside and when your mom takes a picture of their bus licence plate.

32. You know you are an 'N Sync fan when you spend 8 hours looking up every name on aol directory to see if you are able to find the real 'N Sync guys from the phonies
33. You know your an *N SYNC fan when you camp in front of there house when you know there on tour in a diferent state.

Hey... e-mail Meredith ( and tell us how you know that you are an *N SYNC fan. Please do not type in all caps, and please do not write me with suggestions that are like the ones already on this list! The more crazy and insane your suggestions are, the more likely they are to appear on the list!