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Ride the BUS!

Jeremiah Roams HERE!!!

I was born in Custer, Michigan, the day of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. This event would have a major impact on my philosophy of Constitutional Sovereignty, as well as limits on the federal government. As a young child my family moved to Bitely, and I enjoyed many idyllic days on Mill Lake, fishing and hunting frogs with my Daisey Red Ryder. One day, I was accosted by a rabid animal rights activist about my hunting practices. Even at the age of 8, I was aware that my sovereign rights were being compromised by this over reaching socialist do-gooder.

As a teen, I began researching the constitution, the powers our founding fathers specifically gave each branch of the federal government, and the sovereign rights belonging to each and every natural born American. While patrolling the perimeter of the family compound with my Winchester Ranger, I had time to think how the federal government had over-stepped it's constitutional mandate with excursions in Cuba and Vietnam. We were not protecting our soil, but becoming an instrument of the New World Order.

And as an adult, I became disillusioned as my cherished sovereignty became subservient to the United Nations. Grenada, Panama and Bosnia, these are not threats to our borders, but to the New World Order. And now I find myself embroiled in legal matters with my government over zoning issues, environmental laws, licensing of vehicles and ownership of firearms. All these regulations are not powers given to our government in the Constitution. So in order to protect myself I attended a rally in Lansing on April 19, 1996. There I met Thomas and the Colonel, and Militious history was made.

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