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Site Has Died

There is no Krackerz VP Lair.


Welcome, thanks for coming to Kracker'z VP Lair, You like? Anyways, I have quit trying to make progress with this site, and the pages here. I got a girlfriend now, so I dont have time to work on this. But i did have time to tell all of you this site will remain up, but wont be ran no more, what u see here is what your always gonna see. Thanks for the Support and over 1,000 people to be here. Was appreciated. As hard as it is to see this site just go down like im doing, sucks, but, bye bye people. From MIKE, aka kracker.

[Update info]

[Updated December 7th 2000]

I added Macromedia Flash 5, so you can make all sorts of cool anim's on yer pages.!