SELECT is used to define select one from many or many from many menus. SELECT elements require start and end tags and contain one or more OPTION elements that define menu items. One from many menus are generally rendered as drop-down menus while many from many menus are generally shown as list boxes.

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Fortunately, most browsers keep a local copy, called a cache, of recently accessed documents. When the browser notices that it's about to refetch something already in the cache, it just supplies the information from the cache rather than contact the server again. This alleviates a great deal of network traffic.

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looks at these steps in more detail. For now, you need to know how the server responds. You ask for a URL; the server gives you the requested document and then disconnects. If the document you get back has links to other documents (inline graphics, for instance), your browser goes through the whole routine again. Each time you contact the server, it's as if you'd never been there before, and each request yields a single document. This is what's known as a stateless connection.

The attributes on TABLE are all optional. By default, the table is rendered without a surrounding border. The table is generally sized automatically to fit the contents, but you can also set the table width using the WIDTH attribute. BORDER, CELLSPACING and CELLPADDING provide further control over the table's appearence. Captions are rendered at the top or bottom of the table depending on the ALIGN attribute.

This can be used to provide white space to the immediate left and right of the image. The HSPACE attribute sets the width of this white space in pixels. By default HSPACE is a small non-zero number. The MAP element provides a mechanism for client-side image maps. These can be placed in the same document or grouped in a separate document although this isn't yet widely supported. The MAP element requires start and end tags. It contains one or more AREA elements that specify hotzones on the associated image and bind these hotzones to URLs. The superior capabilities of the E-Class servers make them a platform of choice for a wide variety of applications including replicated site installations, multi-user and server configurations, and small businesses. In these environments, the E-Class servers are complemented with a robust operating

system and system management environment, an extensive application portfolio, and a vast worldwide support and service network. Tijdens de stagingprocedure worden door de te stagen server een aantal logfiles aangemaakt op de depot server. Dit vereist dat op de depot-server de nodige toelatingen voor de te stagen server aanwezig moeten zijn.

CHECKPOINT De file bevat een nummer dat aangeeft de hoeveelste stap de procedure heeft genomen uit de STAGING_install_MODULES file. Als de procedure stopt en je wil ze herstarten vanaf een bepaald punt, volstaat het om het gewenste stapnummer in deze file te zetten. Opgelet: als deze file leegraakt, vliegt de procedure door, zonder iets te doen, blaast de software op en zorgt ervoor dat je de hele zwik kan herbeginnen (tenzij je een echt geroutineerde stager bent, die de scripts van binnen en van buiten kent). Praktisch: Als de configure van een pakket mislukt, en je moet ook de install van dat pakket heruitvoeren, verlaag je de CHECKPOINT waarde met 1 en herstart je de procedure

(STAGING_install). Wil je een pakket gewoon overslaan, verhoog dan de CHECKPOINT. De staging gebeurt in een aantal grote stappen. Eerst heb je 3 pakketten van patches die worden gedropt, vervolgens de installatie van Clearcase en aanverwanten, e.d. Af en toe zal de machine rebooten wanneer dit echt nodig is. Geen nood echter, de procedure start automatisch terug op (rc-files worden tijdens de staging aangepast). Is de staging ten einde, dan krijg je een grote banner te zien "einde staging" en klaar is Koos.

The CAPTION element has one attribute ALIGN which can be either ALIGN=TOP or ALIGN=BOTTOM. This can be used to force the caption to be placed above the top or below the bottom of the table respectively. Most user agents default to placing the caption above the table. CAPTION always requires both start and end tags. Captions are limited to plain text and text-level elements as defined by the %text entity. Block level elements are not permitted. Used for simple Boolean attributes, or for attributes that can take multiple values at the same time. The latter is represented by several checkbox fields with the same name and a different value attribute. Each checked checkbox generates a separate name/value pair in the submitted data, even if this results in duplicate names. Use the checked attribute to initialize the checkbox to its checked state.