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There's Something About Kristen
There's Something About Kristen

Can you dig pix of my family and I?

Oh Behave! Here's some pix of my friends and I (yes, I do have friends)

Krazy Kollege Kidz!

Wit and Wisdom o' Kristen

Concerts! I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough...

Music music music. Can't get enough of it. Check out my Music page.


8/2- *~Thank goodness skool is almost out for the Summa'...I have had enough of Quantitative Methods in Psych. Bleh! Alright, here's the real update: I got some rad pics developed and I'm putting them on a "new" page. I got rid of the cars page, 'cause it just sucked and it's now my concert going page...concert pics, concerts I've been to, D-town & T-town upcoming shows, who knows what else! Also, I'm turning the writings page into a crazy, free-for-all rant. Gioia!~*

6/23- *~I'm celebrating the end of finals again by updating my page. The Kollege Kidz page is finally worth looking at...I added roughly 25 pics to the galleries. Enjoy!!~*

4/26- *~I'm celebrating the end of finals by updating my page. I added a link to a new page I's a writing page that was inspired by a certain someone. Hope you enjoy cheesy stuff...If I were you I'd avoid it at all costs.~*

4/17- *~Switched things around a li'l'. Last night Marc and I went to prolly THE most amazing show I've been to...Ghoti Hook, the Hippos, and (my favorites) MxPx at Clutch Cargos. The guys in MxPx are soooooo incredibly nice I just thought you should know...I got autographs and hugs from Tom, Mike, and Yuri and silly me, I even gave Mike my lucky harmonica. I couldn't be more happy right now!~*
*~PS- "We ain't got no place to go, let's go to the punk rawk show! Darlin' take me by the hand, we're gonna see a punk rawk band. There's no use in tv shows, radio, rodeo. I wanna get into the crowd, I wanna hear it played real loud..."~*

3/27- *~I got hooked up with htmlGEAR today and I went crrrrrrazy! Notice the quote generator, survey, and page referral. Also, I added a few things to the bands the Alkaline Trio, A New Found Glory, Kittie, a Showoff pic, and Stroke 9. Enjoy!~*

2/10- *~To celebrate my 28 months w/o red meat (10/7/97) and 2 months w/o any meat (12/1/99)...I've added a link to a very phat writing entitled, "101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian." Read it, you'll learn a lot.~*

1/30- *~Howdy-ho! I haven't updated in a long I did so tonight Just wanted everyone to know that I trekked to Canadia yesterday and I LOVE Cananada! My experience wasn't too grand, but the duty-free shop rocked!~*

**-Old updates can be found on the Rant-** page.

Check out these links!!!

"If you're watching a working television on top of a non-working television..."

View Askew Productions...
The wonderful people that brought you Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma

Ay Carumba! Go to the Simpson's Archive!

A page devoted to the one and only...Milhouse VanHouten

Wise Words from Ralph Wiggum

This show is Catch it on Friday, 9:30pm est, Cartoon Network.

...Fighting crime, trying to save the world, here they come, just in time, the Power Puff Girls...

'Nuff said.

Everyone's favorite RCMP Officer. Paul Gross makes me weak in the knees.

Music soothes the savage beast...

Don't you recognize Weezer when you see them??!
I mean, that's ^ Rivers, right up there!
And don't get me started on how great their music is...

Any Swing Goes - Check out what's new in the world of swing.

The Official MxPx Homepage

Check out Ska-T-Boy records - If you're looking for good ska cds you'll find them here.

UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
--- The Lorax

"101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian" by Pamela Rice. This is why I stopped eating meat totally.

Help bring hate to an end.

Rock Out Censorship - sign some petitions and see what you can do to help.

You'll have fun fun fun 'til your daddy takes your keyboard away...

Dane Cook--my favoritest comedian ever. Great comedic stylings, and bonus he's easy on the eyes.

Check out BME- Body Modification E-Zine. Lately, I've been browsing for my next piercing there. There's some pretty freaky shiznit, so, be warned!

No one has bought me one of these, dammit! Maybe you should...*hint hint*

2,000 Uses for Peanut Butter.
Who doesn't absolutely love peanut butter? Well, I guess those who go into anaphylactic shock when they eat it don't...Try some of these bad boys out...I have.

Don't worry, this doesn't really have anything to do with Alanis. If you want to write a song, but are lacking in the talent, this is for you.

Connect time is fab! Check out the Dumpster Diver and you can send all kinds of Garage Sale rejects to your friends.

Check out this good Mr. T. page and the links to others.

My favorite soda on Earth...Try Pink, it's Pink-a-licious

Paginaciones de mi amigos

This is my homegrrl Erin's page (she's an evil computer genius). There's pix of me on it! Yahoo!

Check out the lovely "ghetto" skool that I go to.


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get this gear!

Note: all these images are copyrighted by some person, at some time, in some place, for some reason. yadda, yadda, yadda...