<bgsound src="/mi/kingsdaughter/images/Cannon.mid" loop=infinite>

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
3 John 4

Yes, this is my husband and I! But that is not why I brought you here. I would like you to meet our children. As you can well imagine it is never boring at our home! My husband and I have been married now for 27 wonderful years. Our oldest daughter Laura was the first to leave the nest in July of "99", getting married to a the "love of her life" Paul.

This is an old picture but it is a favorite of mine, let me introduce you now: Starting from oldest to youngest...Craig (25) Laura (22) Elisabeth (18)Anna (16)Sarah (15)Caleb (14)Abigail (12) Josiah (11)and Joshua (5). We love being a large family. Truly Blessed. Please travel back to the homepage and learn more about the things we like.

this was taken at Anna's (center) 14th birthday.

And this just before Laura and Paul were married.. There are plenty more wedding and family pictures through the Courtship/Wedding links off of the home page ;-)