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Annis Women

Annis Women

Image: Annis Coat

The Maids of Arrochar
"The Maids of Arrochar" - Irish Traditional

ALLIE ANNIS 1884-1957

Allie Annis was born July 25, 1884 near Arkansas City, KS, the daughter of Orr William and Sarah Jane (Porter) Annis. She married John (Guy)Preston Moore on December 25, 1904 at Stillwater, OK.
Allie's simple and heartwarming story is best told by herself, and through her fore-thought and the generosity of her daughter, Maxine Moore, great-grandaughter, Tammie Ramsey, and granddaughter, Diane White, we are fortunate to have that story in writing.

Image: Allie Annis Moore

Allie Annis Moore and daughter, Thelma - circa 1906

"Our Married Life"

Allie Annis and Guy Moore were married December 25th 1904 at my house in Stillwater at noon. A big turkey dinner was served at one o'clock.
There was about fifty relatives and friends present we got lots of nice gifts, we were married by county judge Clark. I was born to Sarah Jane and Orr William Annis in Sumner County, Kansas, about seven miles west of Arkansas City, Kansas.
When I was five years old, we came to Oklahoma in a covered wagon. My Dad homesteaded one mile east of perkins, we lived there for many years, then we moved to Stillwater and we lived there until I was married. I was then 20 years old and Guy was 22.
Guy was born in Kansas to Francise O William Austin Moore, Aug 3rd, 1882. He too came to Oklahoma when he was 7 yrs old, and his folks homesteaded 3 miles north east of Ripley where Guy spent most of his childhood days. We met at a carnival at Ripley, went to a big dance there that night, Guy and Clarence Wilson "His old chum" played, Guy the violin & Clarence the guitar, that night he took me home to my cousins, and that was in the fall of 1903. We went together all the next year, and was married Decmber 25, 1904. We had lots of fun together and Guy liked all my folks. I had never went with many boys and of course I thought he was the most handsome man there was, and he really was good looking, cole black hair and eyes, dark skin and beautiful teeth, always dressed nice. "He was my man from the start" we was engaged for almost a year. We didn't have much to start with but was happy.
After we married we drove to Ripley, "horse and buggy days" and to Guy's folks. The day we married was almost like summer and next day came a big snow storm.
Then his folks moved back to the farm and we lived in their house, where Mollie now lives. Guy was working for my cousin Otis Porter in the "livery barn". We lived there until about April then we moved to the farm and Guy went to work for John Henderson tending bar and it was in that house that our first baby was born November of 1905. We named her Thelma LaVerna. She weighed 8 lbs. She was folks first grandchild, and of course they were very proud of her. That fall Guy put in a little lunch room next to John Henderson's Saloon, and really done good that year. Ripley was quite a busy little town, lots of cotton raised around here. Butch and him would make 20 gal of Chili and sell it all out that day.
Butches folks ran a little meat market there, that was where Orve met Butch.
{Note: "Orve" was Allie's elder sister, Orva Florence Annis b. March 22, 1883}
Guy bought a little house there. We lived there several years and there was where Bernadine was born Feb 5th 1907. The day she was born Guy and Butch went to Stroud to buy pool tables to put in at Perkins, and later that Spring we all moved to Perkins and they put in the Pool Hall lunch room.
My folks then moved to Perkins and put in a restaurant and bakery. We first lived in the north part of town, and there another girl was born. We called her Maxine, was born Oct 15th 1908. They told all over town that we had twins and they were both girls, she was supposed to be a boy. We had lots of good friends in Perkins, they were a grand bunch of young folks, we had lots of good times.
That year Clyde and June came to Oklahoma and were living on the farm with Guy's folks, they came to see us quite often and we had lots of good times together. "Happy days" for all of us. Then when Maxine was a few months old we moved on Main Street in the south part of town, in the meantime Butch sold out to Guy and he put on a meat market, then Guy moved across the street to the old Hix Hotel, and there was lots of room over the pool hall so we moved up there in the spring and on July 1st 1910 we got our first boy. He was born in Mother's house in the east part of Perkins. It was such a hot summer, but he arrived at 7 in the evening and of course being the first boy, we thought he was great. His little sister called him Brother boy, we named him Maynard William, the William was for his two Grandfathers. I went back home when he was about two weeks old, and at Xmas time or the week of Christmas, that same year the sadest thing of our life happened to us, we were planning a big dinner at mothers house and on the 23rd of Dec. Thelma took sick with a bad sore throat, we had young Dr. Taylor with her and he said would be alright to take her to mothers, he ate dinner with all of us, and we never realized she was so sick, we went back home that evening and next morning she was worse. We called in Dr. Holbrook for consultation with Dr. Taylor, and he said it was Diptheria of course in those days there wasn't much of a chance, they gave her shots but was too late, she passed away Dec 27th at 7P.M. We buried her at Perkins beside my Grandmother & Grandfather Porter, and Irene Thurber, Orv & Butches first child she was killed near Farfax Okla, fell out of a wagon, she was 16 months old.
Thelma was such a cute, smart and pretty little girl, she had blonde golden hair, blue eyes, she was large for her age, she was loved and missed by everyone. She called me Al, and her dad Guy, "My Guy" she always said. We never went back home we moved to a little house not far from Mothers, and lived there till late spring, that year they put the pool Halls out of Perkins, so Guys Dad wanted us to come and farm their old place that year, we lived for a while with Clyde and June Jackson, in a big rock house in the bend east of Ripley, we lived there that Winter, we didn't have much but was happy & had lots of good times with Clyde & June, & everywhere was small.
On Sunday Jan 28th, 1912, we went up to see Guys folks, just a few miles away, they wanted us to stay all night, so we did, & next morning at noon, our first black eyed girl was born we named her Elouise Mae, we never did go back home, but while I was still in bed Guy moved us to a little two roomed house on the south side of Guys dads farm, just about a half mile from Nell & Bate Luther.
Nell was a swell old girl, and I loved her a lot we had lots of good times together,"poor" but happy. Nell passed away at child birth, at her house east of Stillwater, was another sad thing for all of us. We lived here about a year & Guy's mother got sick, & they moved to Ripley, they moved in the little house where Bernidine was born, and we moved in the big farm house, and Guy & Fred farmed the next two year's, we really was happy there raised cotton & Stock & Kids.
Guy's mother passed away the next year after they moved to town and in Oct 18th 1914 - Raymond Fred was born, we lived there untill the 1st of Dec. of that same year., and Will wanted us to come out to Garden City, Kansas, where he was preaching. We could'nt get anything out of cotton so we stored it in the warehouse at Ripley, Guy & Fred chartered a box car, we took some of our stock and our household belongings, and left for Kansas. I took the children went to Perkins to visit the folk's untill Guy could get there, we had a farm rented 2 1/2 miles west of Garden City, was'nt a very nice house but, but all kinds of fruit and 80 acres of alfalfa, we had an irrigating plant, and done well the first year we was there, but that same year they transfered Will's to Ark City Kansas, and they sold the farm we was on, so we moved into Garden City & Guy worked for a Dairy near us. Guys Dad come out and stayed with us a lot, and while we was on the farm Clyde, June, Jody, and Gurtie came out and stay a few months, they drove thro a covered wagon, we had a lot of fun while it lasted, they came back to Oklahoma, while we was still on the Farm Nell & Frank came out to visit us, and of course when they all left, that made us homesick for the old stomping grounds.
So, in Aug of 1916, we sold our household stuff and stock and in Aug. we came back home, Oh! Yes' Mae came out to see us, she was working in Cushing in Telephone Office, the Cushing was on the boom oil every place you looked, she wanted us to come home too, so home we came. Got here last of August, we visited with my folks, they were still at Perkins, for a week, and Guy came to Cushing, and went to work for Carl Luther in the old Good Luck store on the corner of Steele & Main, we moved over, and lived in a big old house on Harrison & Cherry, & on Feb 25th Rex Marquis was born, we lived there about a year then moved over on Depot St, didn't live there very long, and moved back on Harrison, Nell & Ray lived in the upstairs they both working in Cushing, Guy was still working for the Good Luck store, and his Dad wanted us to buy a home, so we did at 312 E. Walnut, it was pretty much of a shack, plenty of room, but dirty, we cleaned it all up as best we could, and moved in 1918. By that time was quite a bunch of us 6 kids, but we was really happy to have a home of any kind we could call our own, we bought it from Canfield Brothers of Yale, gave $300.00 for it, we moved in the Fall, and LaFern was born Feb 19th 1919. the year the flu was so bad, the kids all had it at once, Mollie came over and took care of the kids and I had it just about a month before Fern was born, Guy was still working at the store and we still lived in the old house, and July 12th 1921 Clyde Wayne was born, that same year Guy bought out the Katy Cafe, on Main St. in the 300 block, we had a big business kept open day and night, run three shifts had two cooks & their wives and Guy & I took the morning shift that year they built the big tank farm here, lots of good times and we made good money, fed lots of tank boys, Jim & Shortie Berrett, George Grundy, Bull Tang Shortie Nute, the three Payne boy's, K.C. Shorty, and lots of other boys have fortgoten their names', we run this for about two years' and Mr. Gooding bought the Building for his hardware store & he still runs it, then we moved across the street in a little place, but didn't have room enough over there, so we sold out to Clyde and June, and come home, we still had about 18 boys that wanted to board with us but have got ahead of my story, while we was in the big place we built his home, had six room's & an attic, we put up beds in this upstairs and rented it to tankie boys, put a long table in our dining and front room & had 18 borders, we kept them for several month's untill after May 30th and Patsy Ruth was born May 30th 1923, then hard times hit us, and we rented our house out that same year & moved to Stillwater or 4 miles east & Guy and Maynard worked for a diary, Art Fellner, we had a small 2 room house with screened in porch, we got by up there for about 2 years, we came back home was still hard going, Guy put in a little resturant over on Maine & called it "Guy's Cafe" we done pretty good over there for about 2 years, then things got slow again and we moved to Ripley and had a Cafe over there for abut two years, Ripley had an oil boom and thing's were pretty good for a while but we decided to come home again, By this time Maxine & Bernidine had both married, Guy worked on Bridge gang at Ponca City for Santa Fe for about six months & worked on school house, for the City, went to Simminoe & worked on Tanks for three months, & Bobbie Lee was born Dec 13th 1926. She passed away in 1927 Aug 29th.
Guy run the Budwiser Bar down town for six months then we rented a little resturant from Jo Taylor, and run that for a while, we made part of our house in to 2 apartments, but this time Maynard & Elouise were both married, We struggled along several years that were more or less, just first one thing then another, Guy worked some at Sand Springs for Clyde Jackson. He helped take care of Mae's & Freds apartment's for several years, we worked together taking care of Mae's place & ours, was lots to do just keeping them up while Mae & Fred worked he done lots of other odd jobs. Went to Ripley & worked several month's at the Deep Rock Refinery.
The kids were all still living close but when world war 2 started they all left and went to the coast, Portland, and Clyde enlisted in the navy, and wasn't long until he went over seas and Rex was sent to camp Barkley where he trained men for about five years. And after the kids were there a while almost a year, they sent for me to come out to visit so in Oct or Nov, Mae and I left for Portland, all the kids were making good money in the ship yard's was Elouis'es, Maxine's, Maynard's & Raymond's and while I was out here visiting they wrote for Guy and Fern to come, Fern was still at home, and Patsy was in Pawnee working, so Guy & Fern decided to come they got everthing in shape here and got Mr. & Mrs Harper to take care of our place and Mae's.
So they arrived in Portland the first of Dec, and Guy went to work in the ship yard's as srinker, we stayed with first one then another untill we could get us a little furniture or first, we got our apartment out at Vauport was several miles out of Portland, we had two rooms upstairs wasn't bad was all we could get, so Fern moved out with us, and Guy and her had to catch the bus everyday to go to work.
We were making good money, we lived at Vauport that winter, then got our furniture and got a house in Portland, close to Maynard's and not far from Elouise and Maxine, four room's, by now Patsy had come out. Pat & Fern both got a job in the shipyards, they all three worked and I done the work & cooking, we were happy, and really saw lots of sights, was my first trip out of the state of Oklahoma. Was happy and sad times to most everyone had from two to three boy's in this war, Our old Clyde boy was across, and that was really some worry but while we was out there he came back to the U.S.A. and came to Portland to visit all of us, thats were he met his Ginna, and they were married later in Portland, he now lives in Rosebury Oregon, has two children Dennis & Kathlene.
Finally after about 18 yr of work out there they began to lay off the older men & Guy was one of them. Well he could have worked at Vancover Wash. but he wanted to come home and Patsy wanted to come with us. So Fern went to stay with Maxine. We got ready and came home got here the 10 of April 1945. and was really glad to get back to good old Oklahoma and home, Mr. & Mrs. Harper moved in one of Mae's apartments & we moved in everthing had run down pretty bad, Mae's place & ours too. We had saved some boards so we got busy and got it up in pretty good shape, Patsy went to OK City to work, and we was alone the first time in all our married life.
We was happy but missed all the kids, Bernidine & Harper were living here, have been all there married life. That same year Fern came home on Christmas day, think she got homesick for the old mom & pop and we was really glad to have her home. We got busy and worked some more on the house. Wasn't too long and the war ended and the kids began to come home Elouise Lin, Jim Bob and Diane, I think came first then Mack, Ed, Edwin & Carleta, Raymond's came home for a visit, but went back to California for a while then to Portlandthey just had Sharron then, now they have Allen Preston.
And all thru our married life Guy played dance's, played 5 years in the old hall now over the coca cola. That was one of the bigest pleasures in his life, was playing his old violin, and had made many a dollar playing dances all our boys played some kind of an instrument and still play.
Then Guy's health broke and he was sick about 8 months, then got better for about four months & again took sick about 3 months, and on Nov. 13 he was feeling fine & went out to the old house, was doing something upstairs, when two or three men at the Coca Cola came and told me that he was offel sick, they helped him to the house got a Dr. , and he said take him to the Hospital, but he passed away before they got him there, on the 13 of Nov 1950, Well, that was one of the sad'est days of all my life, and have had many of them since he has been gone 19 months, May 13th 1952. I went on livng here in this old house, have spent many & many years working, some of it wasn't so good, but is just memory's of him ever place I look, I plan now to live here with his memory's until my time to go there too.
Guy had lived a good life, some things he done was more harm to him then any one else, he had good principals, Honest, True, had lots and lots of Friends was a good mixer with everyone. Everyone knew him as Guy, but his real name was John Preston, there was 11 children of them, eight of them that I knew, Clara, Mollie, Will, Sadie, Mae, Nell, and Fred, only 3 of them now living, 1952.
We also had 11 children, 9 of them still living, Bernidine, Maxine, Maynard, Elouise, Raymond, Rex, Fern, Fern, Clyde & Patsy, and with out all of these life would not be much.
At the end of my life here, I want each one to share in this home, may not be too much, but its a life's saving for them, and want all nine to share alike, we have struggled thru these 46 years alike, and think we have raised a fine family. Have done the best we could do in times that wasn't much, but have always taught them right from wrong so what else is there to do, we maybe haven't lived a christian life as a lot of folks would say, but we tryed to do unto others as we would like them to do unto us, so what else is there to say, only I think God will be our judge in the hear after, let it be good or bad we have done our "BEST"

"The End"

Guy's Favorite religious song was When they ring those Golden Bells, mine was The Old Rugged Cross.

Allie Annis Moore died March 6, 1957 at her home in Cushing, Oklahoma.

  1. Thelma LaVerna Moore, born November 6, 1905
  2. Bernardine Moore, born February 5, 1907
  3. Maxine Moore, born October 18, 1908
  4. Maynard William Moore, born July 1, 1910
  5. Elouise Mae Moore born January 29, 1912
  6. Raymond Fred Moore born October 18, 1914
  7. Rex Marquis Moore, born February 25, 1916
  8. LaFerne Moore, born February 19, 1919
  9. Clyde Wayne Moore, born July 12, 1921
  10. Patsy Ruth Moore, born May 30, 1923
  11. Bobby Lee Moore, born December 15, 1926
Allie's lineage is: Orr William Annis 1859-1931, Andrew Annis 1825-1896, Elleson Annis 1797-1880, Samuel Annis 1769-1849, John Annis 1732-c.1780, Andrew Annis c.1690-?

Diane White, who is working on her own web site which will feature Allie, has written the following about her grandmother, Allie Annis Moore.

- "my grandmother was a lovely, sensitive lady who bore all things with dignity and faith. When I was a small child she took care of me and I remember how she would lose her glasses and they would be on top of her head. She would laugh when I would point them out to her and always had a hug for me. I still miss her today as do all of her children. She was an excellent cook, her pie crusts were the best and her patience and care for others was remarkable."


Sarah (Sally) Annis was born August 15, 1788 at Gloucester, Massachusetts, the daughter of Ebenezer and Lois (Lane) Annis. She married November 14, 1807, Ezekiel Crane at Gloucester.
Sarah's father was born February 18, 1746 at Gloucester and married November 5, 1767, Lois Lane at Gloucester. He was a veteran of the American Revolution and served several periods of military duty. He enlisted May 24, 1775 in Captain Barnabas Dodge's Company, Colonel Gerrish's Regiment, and also enlisted on January 20, 1776 into Captain William Pearson's Company, (3rd Regiment), and was stationed at Gloucester until November 18, 1776.
Soon after the birth of their new son, Mark Crane, Sarah and the child were abandoned by Ezekiel Crane. Sarah reclaimed her maiden name Annis, undaunted in an age that did not hold a high opinion of single women, and raised her son with the name Mark Crane Annis. Thereafter, all descendants of Mark Crane Annis used the name Annis and are included in this genealogy under her lineage. Sarah is the only early Annis female, on record, that reclaimed her maiden name.

  1. Mark Crane Annis, born June 9, 1808 in Gloucester, Essex, MA
Mark C. Annis married Angelina Woodward (born September 6, 1808 in South Reading, MA, died October 21, 1883 in Lynn, MA) on September 3, 1829 at Reading, MA. He died November 26, 1867 in Lynn, MA.
Children of Mark and Angelina Annis
  1. Joseph Erskine Annis, born June 1, 1830 in Danvers, Essex, MA, died August 13, 1879 in Danvers, Essex, MA
  2. Stilman L. Annis, born August 27, 1831 in South Reading, MA, died Mar 20, 1832 in South Reading, MA
  3. Stilman L. Annis, born November 23, 1833 in Fairhaven, MA, died November 21, 1862 in Frederick, MD
  4. Eliza Angelina Annis, born July 5, 1834 in Fairhaven, MA Charles Henry Annis, born February 26, 1839 in Templeton, MA, died after 1895 in San Francisco, CA
  5. Rebecca Johnson Annis, born July 27, 1841 in Salem, MA
  6. Horace Albert Annis, born October 2, 1844 in Salem, MA

Sarah's lineage is: Ebenezer Annis 1745-1819; Isaac Annis 1702-?; Isaac Annis 1672-1712; Cormac Annis 1638-1717


Image: John and Isyphene Annis

Isyphene Annas was born June 30, 1806 at Fenner, NY, the daughter of Oliver and Aphema (Aldrich) Annas. She married September 19, 1824 to John Hill at Fenner. The book "The History of Madison and Chenango County, New York" has a very complete synopsis of John and Isyphene's life.
"Isyphene Annas Hill was the daughter of Oliver Annas, who moved with his father into the town of Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y., from the state of Vermont. Her father married Aphema Aldrich, in Wooster Co., Mass. Oliver Annas bought and cleared a farm in the town of Fenner, where Isyphene, their first living child was born, June 30th, 1806. Her parents were of the old Quaker stock, rigid in their principles and exemplary in their habits. She was brought up to understand all kinds of spinning, weaving and the patchwork of those primitive times. At the early age of eighteen, considering herself an adept in those arts, she consented to marry and start in life with John Hill, a promising young man, who knew, even at that early age, many of the hardships of life. They were married Sept. 19th, 1824 and began for themselves, with but a small portion of this world's goods. If one of the Proverbs from the "good book," may be quoted here, with slight variation. "She did him good, all the days of his life," being a true and loving help-meet to the man with whom she chose to walk life's rugged pathway, combining a rare sweetness with great firmness of disposition, she was a helmet of safety, for her somewhat spirited family to rely upon, in all differences, exercising a remarkable wisdom in protecting each from the faults and weakness of the other, thereby producing a harmony of which she was ever the strongest, sweetest note. Always remembering the time when a thorough education would have been a luxury to herself and a power to her husband, with his natural abilities, could the state of the country schools in those times have furnished such matter, when they were at the age to prize an ample course of study, they united in many a noble self-sacrifice and gave generously to their family the advantages of which they had been deprived, encouraging their improvements with loving admonitions. At the age of thirteen she united with the Methodist church and as will be acknowledged by her church society, neighbors and friends, been a worthy christian character. "Her children rise up and call her blessed." And although left for a period of widowhood, she awaits the call of the divine Master, with peaceful resignation. Her daughters can tell theirs, of the good wrought by a brave christian woman, who taught her children all to pray, believing it the key which opens the door to all good thoughts within the mind. Heroic in patience, strong in adversity, sweet be the close of life, hoping for the words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

John Hill was born in New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y., March 8th, 1800. He was a son of Daniel Hill, a soldier of the revolution, belonging to General Washington's guard. His mother, Alice DeGross was a French woman. He moved with his parents into the town of Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., when he was seven years old. Was a kind son, taking care of his parents with a loving thoughtfulness, in their old age. In 1824 he married Isyphene Annas and moved upon a farm he owned in the town of Fenner, Madison Co., N. Y.
Mr. Hill was a prominent man in political affairs and held the offices, at various times, of Supervisor, Justice of the Peace and Loan Commissioner. In 1833, he bought a country hotel known as the Baldwin House, accomodating travelers upon the old stage route from Chittenango to the Chenango Valley. In 1837, he moved his family into Perryville, purchasing the property known as the Oran S. Avery farm, and Dykeman Mill. With large natural endowments, a keen incisive intellect united with rare vigor and much natural heroism. he was peculiarly fitted to become a leader among men, which, within his sphere, he was. His courage and energy were simply wonderful and irrepressible. Was active, full of life, indefatigable in labor, honorable in deal, prompt and accurate in his executive ability; few posess such intuitive penetration of character. Men in trouble seemed to instinctively turn to Mr. Hill for counsel sympathy and help. A man with ways positive, direct and unmistakable, he had the capacity to stamp his personality upon whoever he came in contact with and therefore was widely known throughout Madison Co. It was never in his heart to deliberate wrong to any one and many can testify they have been helped on in this life's battle by his sympathy and aid. As a father, he was eminently kind and paternal, for his daughters, especially, he exhibited a love that was chivalrous and beautiful. He delighted in a social life, with a generous hospitality. Was the father of ten children: John W., born Aug. 11th, 1825, in Fenner, Madison Co., N. Y., is a lawyer and farmer, residing in McPherson, Kan., Mary, born Dec. 14th, 1826, in Fenner, married Q. A. Ballou, son of Col. A. Ballon, Nov. 9th, 1846, died Jan. 9th, 1858, leaving a daughter who is wife of Judge T. O. Harrison in Grand Island, Neb.; Mason, born June 18th, 1828, in Fenner, lawyer and farmer, residing in Nashotah, Wis.; Flaville, born Dec. 14th, 1829, in Fenner, married Capt. C. P. Morey, Jan. 5th, 1853, a resident of Buffalo; Isyphene, born Nov. 23d, 1831, in Fenner, married John Haywood, son of William Haywood, of Sullivan, April 6th, 1854; Webster, born Dec. 7th, in Fenner, a farmer, residing in Perryville; Nancy, born May 7th, 1836, in Fenner, married Capt. H. G. Morey, Jan. 6th, 1856, in Perryville, died a resident of Buffalo, N. Y., April 5th, 1874; Norman, born Jan. 11th, 1839, in Perryville, Justiec of the Peace and farmer, resident of Perryville; Nellie, born Nov. 21st, 1840, in Perryville, married Sept. 25th, 1860, M. N. Moot, son of Col. D. B. Moot. of Lenox; Rosa, born 10th of June, 1845, married Dec. 2d, 1863, Oran F. Britt, son of Benjamin Britt, of Sullivan, died April 7th, 1879.
John Hill died Sept 23d. 1879, leaving not only the results of his industry and care, but what his children may prize more, his principles of honor.

Isyphene died October 27, 1887 and is buried with her husband at Perryville (NY) Cemetery. Children:

  1. John W. Hill, born August 11, 1825 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  2. Mary Hill, born December 14, 1826 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  3. Mason Hill, born June 18, 1828 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  4. Flaville Hill, born December 14, 1829 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  5. Isyphene Hill, born November 23, 1831 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  6. Webster Hill, born December 7, 1834 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  7. Nancy Hill, born May 7, 1836 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  8. Norman B. Hill, born January 11, 1839 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  9. Nellie Hill, born November 21, 1840 in Fenner, Madison, NY
  10. Rosa Hill, born June 10, 1845 in Fenner, Madison, NY
Her lineage is: Oliver Annas {1777-1834}, James Annis {1743-1829}, John Annis {1700-c.1771}, Abraham Annis {1668-1738}, Cormac Annis {1638-1717}

Notable Women Ancestors

Linked January 2000
Thanks Sam A very nice honor!
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