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Kat's Kradle

Image: Kat Annis

"Kat" Annis 1999

Song: "Quit Playing Games With My Heart""

Hi Everyone! my name is Kathryn {"Kat"} Elise Annis. Welcome to my very first Home Page. Please sign my guest book at the bottom of this page, and e-mail me if you like the same things I do. I'm ten years old and I am in the 5th grade in Michigan.

You will find out that I love many things, including the "Back Street Boys", the Hansons, sunflowers, and my Mom's cookies , but these are my special things besides my Mom and Dad. We have lot's of animals in our home, including three cats, a dog, and my Guinea Pig whose name is "Jenny". My dog is "Meeko", and the cats are "Chevron (Chevy)", "Mr. Gigs (Gigabite)", and "Yaki (Yakimoshi)".
Chevron ia a calico, like the kitty at the bottom of the page.

Image: Kat's Tea Party Annis

This is a Tea we had at my house - my Mom is on the left, sister Lauren in the lower right corner and I am in the back

Things I Love (not in order, except for God of course)

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My Favorite Links

The Annis Family Home Page (Daddy's Page)
The Back Street Boys Official Site
Barbie Dolls !!!

Image: Kat Annis

"Kat" Annis 1998
