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Chapter Fourteen Corey gave the Frisbee one last toss before sitting down on the grass. “Guys, I’m really tired,” she called.

Isaac caught the Frisbee. “What?” he called back.

“I said I’m really tired!” she yelled, louder this time.

Isaac, Taylor, and Zac all closed in around her. “You think should head back?” Isaac asked generally.

Taylor looked at his watch. “Probably,” he said, sighing. “It’s three thirty now, and it’ll take at least an hour and a half to get back to the hospital. Plus, we have to do all our packing tonight so we can leave in the morning . . .” He began wandering toward the rental car.

“Okay, we’ll go then,” Isaac said. “I’ll get the cake pan.” With that, he dashed off for the picnic table they had eaten at.

Zac held his hand out to Corey. “C’mon,” he said. “We’ve gotta go.”

Corey took his hand and he pulled her up. “This was a really sweet thing to do today, Zac,” she told him.

He smiled shyly. “I know,” he said quietly. The two of them started for the car. Zac looked over at her. “You look like you need some sleep,” he told her.

She smiled. “Probably do. This is the most exercise I’ve had since I was put into the hospital. But I think it’s good for me. I mean, I feel better than I have in months.”

“That’s good,” Zac observed. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Yeah,” she agreed. “Me too.”

It was a little after five o’clock when Isaac, Taylor, and Zac escorted Corey back into her room.

“Well,” Isaac said after she had climbed into bed, “I guess we’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Bright and early,” she agreed.

Isaac and Taylor both waved and started out of the room. “Zac, you coming?” Isaac asked.

Zac nodded. “I’ll be down in a minute, okay?”

“All right,” Isaac said. He and Taylor left the room, closing the door behind them.

Corey smiled. “Thank you so much for everything, Zac,” she said. “These past few days have meant so much to me.”

“Well, we’re coming back tomorrow,” he reminded her. “We can say good-byes then, okay?”

She shook her head. “I just think it’d be a little uncomfortable for me to thank you for all this in front of your brothers,” she told him. “God, Zac, these have been the best days I’ve had since I found out I had cancer. I have you to thank for that.”

Zac managed to smile. “Well, then, we’ll have to come back and visit.”

“You’d better,” she said. “You can’t just leave your first wife,” she added good-naturedly. After a moment’s deliberation, she asked, “Can I please get a hug before you go?”

“Of course,” Zac told her. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around her. She returned the embrace with as much strength as she could manage. When Zac pulled away from her, he smiled. “I’d better go,” he told her. “Before Ike and Tay think I got stuck in an elevator or something.”

“Yeah,” Corey agreed.

She was about to say goodbye when Zac did something unexpected: He leaned over and kissed her. It was soft and on the lips, and he pulled away quickly, giving a shy smile. “Uh, see you tomorrow,” he told her, walking backward toward the door.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “Um, yeah, tomorrow. Seeya, Zac.”

Zac left the room and Corey finally managed to take in a breath. She touched her lips softly and smiled. Quickly, she pulled the notebook out from under her mattress and grabbed her blue-flowered pen.

Saturday, 10-3-98

Today was by far the best day of my life! First, Isaac took me driving out behind the movie theater. It was pretty fun. I liked that a lot. Then, we all went to a park that was, like, an hour and a half away. Once we were there, Isaac performed a marriage ceremony for me and Zac. Me and Zac! They had rings and everything. They’re pretty gold rings - just simple bands. I couldn’t believe it. They even had wedding cake! Talk about thinking of everything! I can’t believe I’m married...I mean, I know it’s not for real or anything, but it’s still the thought...

Then, after they took me back here (to the hospital), Zac stayed in the room after Isaac and Tay left and he kissed me. HE KISSED ME. My first ever kiss...My first ever kiss from my first ever husband! I’m smiling so big right now that it’s hurting my face! I can’t even believe it! But it’s true! All of it!

I’m kinda sad because they’re leaving tomorrow. But Zac said he’d come and visit. I believe him. He seems to me like he keeps his word. I wonder if I love him? Probably not. I’m only twelve. But, I can’t imagine love being any different than what I feel for him...I dunno. If he’s only doing this because he feels sorry for me, I hope he never tells me. I’d rather live in blissful ignorance than resent him for taking pity on me.

Corey capped her pen and laid it down. She closed the notebook and replaced it beneath her mattress. Then, snuggling back into her pillows, she closed her eyes.


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The Window Seat