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Chapter Eleven Friday, 10-2-98

We went to Major Magic’s today and spent about four hours. I forgot how good pizza was. Zac and I versed Tay and Isaac at ski-ball. We won. I couldn’t believe how bad they were at it! But, they were really good at video games, I’ll give them that. Taylor taught me how to play some game where you have to shoot aliens. I was pretty bad at it. I told him I’d stick to the ones where you bop the alligators on the head. He just laughed.

I said it’d be fun to play hide and seek, so we did. Zac and I hid in the ball pit for about half an hour while Tay and Ike looked around the entire place! Zac and I would poke our heads up and make faces and stuff. It was fun. And when they finally did realize where we were, we made them come in after us. We had a blast.

They gave me all the tickets the won and I got a brown teddy bear just before we left. I named it Itzy, after Isaac, Taylor, and Zac. They thought it was cute. They brought me back to the hospital at around four o’clock, and stayed in the room until almost six. They taught me how to harmonize the “right way”. We sang “Stories” together. It sounded pretty cool.

Corey smiled, reading over her account of the day. She couldn’t believe how much fun she was having with the Hansons.

Hugging Itzy to her chest, she flipped back to the first page of her notebook. Underneath her signature was Zac’s. It was sloppy, but legible. Corey ran her finger over it and smiled.

Suddenly, inspiration struck her. She picked up the pen with the light blue flowers and uncapped it.


I would like for the pen Dad gave me with red flowers on it to go to Taylor Hanson. The one with purple flowers, I want to go to Isaac (sorry, about that). The blue one as well as the blue notebook this will is in, I would like to go to Zachary Hanson. Also, I would like the three of them to share Itzy, the bear I won at Major Magic’s. Thank you to all three of them for making my wish come true. I’ll never forget what you’ve done as long as you never forget me.

Peace and Life

Eternal love,
Corey Jennings


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The Window Seat