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              Getting the word out about Jon's site and his Beanie wishes is a huge job, and we rely on certain forms of advertising (i.e. LinkExchange, word of mouth, signatures on the bottom of emails, etc.) to pass along the information. BUT, we can by no means do all the work alone. Which is why we're asking for your help.

              Below we've provided a variety of banners advertising Jon's page that we'd like to pass out to anyone willing to display on their website. In exchange for your cooperation in displaying our banner, we in turn will post your banner (or text link if you don't have a banner) on a page that will be created as soon as we receive the first banner to display.

              There are rules, though. In order to make sure that the banner display is reciprocated, we will only post your banner as soon as our webmistress verifies that the banner link has been displayed properly on your site. After all, we have limited space - we can only afford to give space to the people who display our banner in return. We'll place some sample HTML code under each banner to make it easier for those who aren't as familiar with HTML. You are free to alter the code to suit your need as long as the basic information remains the same.

              The only other rule is that your site be family safe. Beanies are for all ages, therefore, so must your site. We don't display sites with nudity, pornography, racism, hate, profanity, etc. Basically if you don't want your child to see it, we don't want to see it either.

              In order to speed up the process for us, we are including a form for you to fill out when you take the banner you wish to display. Your banner will be placed on our site as soon as we've verified that you've linked correctly. Our webmistress is online every night, so it won't take too long for all this to be done.

              We're sorry to draw this out so long, and we're sorry to have to put that one rule into effect, but as we mentioned, space is limited, and we can only help those who help us! It's only fair!

              The banners will be displayed first with the height, width, file size, and sample HTML code. Take whichever banner you like best, DOWNLOAD IT TO YOUR OWN SERVER! (the sample codes will NOT work if you don't), copy and paste the sample coding if you don't want to use your own code (the file size = whatever is NOT part of the code!), and then fill out the form!

              On to the banners!


              <a href=""><img src="banner.gif" border=0 alt="Jon's Beanies" height=60 width=468></a>
              file size = 25.9k

              <a href=""><img src="jonbanner.gif" border=0 alt="Jon's Beanies" height=60 width=468></a>
              file size = 12.7k

              <a href=""><img src="jonbanner4.gif" border=0 alt="Jon's Beanies" height=60 width=468></a>
              file size = 8.0k

              <a href=""><img src="pinkpurplejon.gif" border=0 alt="Jon's Beanies" height=60 width=468></a>
              file size = 26.5k

              <a href=""><img src="rainbowswirljon.jpg" border=0 alt="Jon's Beanies" height=60 width=468></a>
              file size = 15.0k

              Submit your banner for posting on Jon's site!

              Your full name:
              Your email address: (e.g.:

              Title of your site
              URL of your site
              If our banner is not going to be displayed on the index.htm(l) page of your site, what page can we find it on?
              Has our banner been displayed yet?
              If no, when can we expect to look for it? Be specific!
              Which banner did you take? Give the file name.
              Is your banner on the net or are you submitting it via email? (You must choose one!)
                On the net   Submitting via Email
              If you marked "On the net" please enter FULL URL of your graphic in this box. If you marked "Submit via Email" leave this box blank.
              What URL should we link the banner to?
              Comments/Additional info:
     Stunning, fast, FREE!    
              FREE feedback form powered by

              If your browser does not work with forms, please email CrazyBlonde at with the answers to the above questions. PLEASE NOTE that this address doesn't like graphics too well. Any emails that include ANY kind of graphic needs to be mailed to If graphics are sent to witchesbrew, she'll have to delay displaying your banner in order to contact you and inform you to send the graphic(s) to the right email address. Please try to limit your banners to the same dimensions as Jon's are. Keeping the file size to a minimum is also appreciated, although if you take Jon's big animated banner, we'll be a bit more lenient on this one.