Welcome to my video trading page. I am currently out of the tape trading game for now. However there are a few things i may be intersted in trading for. See my wants list. If you see a show on my list you are interested in, you can contact me and we can arrange something.


Before going any further please read !!!!!!
My trading Rules

In regards to the legality of the video home recording act settled by Congress with the Home Recording Act (P.L. 102-563,106 Stat.4237, Codified at 17 U.S.C. 1001-1010) in October 1992. No action may be brought under this title alleging infringement of copyright based on the manufacture, importation, or distribution of a digital or analog recording medium or based on the noncommercial use of such a device or medium. No rights are intended, expressed or implied. I prefer to trade. Your list is invited. If a trade is not possible, I can provide a service from one collector to another. The services rendered include the cost of time, materials, videotape, and use and maintenence of equipment. Any claims to and for the rights of said materials can be forwarded and requested and considered for removal from the list.


Last Update 11/29/04  

Main List of all videos goes into detail of vids
Jim's video want list Please read this!!

Jim Ansell  

AIM: MetalJmz16
My Live Journal



© By James Ansell 11/29/04