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To Grand Maestro Oscar’s Page

My guitarra (well, pretty damn close anyway)

The background music playing is a MIDI file of the song "Trilogy Suite Op:5" by Swedish guitar virtuoso

Yngwie J. Malmsteen

My name is Oscar Sanchez Jr. and this is my home page. I am a student at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago where I am majoring in Theoretical Physics specializing in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

My interests are playing and composing music for electric and classical guitar and designing & building loudspeakers. Here you’ll find links to sites I visit frequently; my favorite guitarist’s, Yngwie (pronounced ING-vey) Johann Malmsteen, Fan Club Page and the Subwoofer DIY Page.

Click here to learn a little more about me. (MIDI song present in page)

This site is always under construction, so expect new stuff all the time!

Links to my favorite pages-go check them out!!!!

Check out Sam’s page!

The Mathematics of General Relativity

Learn to Design Subwoofers here!!

E-mail my frat brother Patryk Hirsz at hirspat@charlie.cns.iit.eduThe only reason Pat is cool is cause he likes F-150's and Metallica.

Check out my frat brothers' Rene, Mario, and Luis' web pages.

Visit the web site of the greatest fraternity in the world,

Alpha Sigma Phi

Swedish GUITAR GOD Yngwie Malmsteen

GUITAR GOD Michael Angelo

Ever heard of Kelly Simonz? If not, then you haven't lived until you hear his amazing neo-classical guitar compositions. You gotta check it out!

The Subwoofer DIY Page

Hales Design Group

NEW!! Photo (with links) of los vatos from el barrio in laredo, texas (my home town) have arrived! Check it out.(MIDI song present in page)

NEW!! Oscar's Photo Gallery (MIDI song present in page)

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Click on the following initials if you wanna know where BAD ASS muthaf****** like me go to school

You can (usually) reach me immediately by the following: AOL Instant Messenger (Yngwie1383 ), ICQ (Musico,39107000) or Yahoo Pager (guitarrista_1). Or you could always E-mail me at any one of the following addresses:, ,, or