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My Information

Dana Stripe

Well hello friends this is an attempt to say a few words about myself. I grew up in Galesburg IL, a small midwestern town where I lived for 22 years. Growing up I was very involved with 4-H and FFA. I was 4-H club president, 4-H Federation member, and a sectional FFA officer to name a few. In high school I was also varsity letter winner in track and wrestling, after high school I moved 15 miles east to Monmouth IL and went to Monmouth College where i recieved a B.A. in physics and math. During college I was a member of the Zeta Beta Tau fraturnaty. I kept active serving on the Executive councel my freshman year, and a very busy social chair my junior and senior years.

After leaving the Galesburg/Monmouth area I moved to Columbia Missouri where I went to grad school at the University of Missouri, in Columbia Missouri. While at the University I recieved a MS in Chemisty, my thesis focused on reactions of Organics on Silicon and Germanium semiconductors.

I am currently living in Galesburg, Illinois working for Gates Rubber and Plastics . I really like my job I am directley responsible for development of new products and process relating to plastic and rubber tube extrustion. I also work with plastic and rubber suppliers like 3-M, Dupont/Dow, and CP Hall. In general it is my job to make sure that rubber/plastic compounds are developed to meet the product specifications that our customers demand.

I also keep very busy with a family Racing operation. We have run very good in the past and have posted times in the 5.60 @ 245MPH area. So far during the 2002 season we have not competed, will probably take the year off to get house and new job sorted out. However, next year I expect times in the 5.40 @ 260MPH area, and hope to finish in the top 5 of the south east region.

As for hobbies I like to do a lot of stuff, suppose you could say I am well rounded, I tend to not focus very much on one thing but have a wide array of interests. However a few highlights would include downhill skiing, rollerblade, movies, concerts, and reading.

I also enjoy video games I play Everquest, Unreal and Starcraft when ever I have free time. In Everquest my main character is a Dark Elf Cleric, and am a member of the Vita Infinita Guild on the Lanys server. While, in Starcraft and Unreal I usually play multiplayer vs. friends. Although I do not do this as much as i use to because most of my friends are back in Illinois it is still a lot of fun when ever I go back home to visit.

I also like all kinds of music but probably my favorite is Techno, Dance, and Industrial. Some of my favorates are Paul Van Dyk, BT, KMFDM, Nine Inch Nails and Paul Oakenfold. I am also an avid movie person. Some of my favorite movies include Matrix, Braveheart, Sixth Sense, Shawshank Redemption, and Lord of the Rings.

As for future plans I would like to travel to Europe mainly Holland, Germany and France. Would also like to travel to oceanic region including Japan, and Australia. Also would like to learn how to scuba dive, and take a test drive in a Top Fuel Dragster and Formula-1.

Well that pretty much hits most of the major points, if you are are interested in talking to me about job oppertnuities a complete resume can be found here, this is resume is through March 2002, and does not include more recient job activities.

Dana Stripe
Last updated, June 12, 2004