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Organised by

The School of Instrumentation & Electronics

MIT Campus of Anna University

Chromepet, Chennai - 600 044.

Three recent applications have altered the status of spread spectrum technologies substantially - the GPS, Wireless LAN and Cellular CDMA. From being one of purely military interest, now there is a much greater awareness and appreciation of the potential of spread spectrum technologies for broader applications. One of the factors that is however inhibiting its faster spread is the relative lack of its coverage and understanding in Academic and R&D training and research programs. The Proposed Workshop and Conference is intended to enhance the awareness about this technology, as well as to bring together those working in this area in our country for an exchange of ideas and understanding.

THE WORKSHOP (15th - 17th Sept 1998)

Intended for Communication Engineers desirous of getting introduced into this topic as well as for those who have just begun to work in this area. The topics covered will include: Generation and Properties of PRBS Codes, Code Acquisition and Tracking, the Structure of DSS Transmitters and Receivers, F.H. Systems, Coding for Spread Spectrum, as well as Applications Case studies. About 40% of the time would be spent in Laboratory classes and demonstrations.

Fees: Rs.3500/- (Does not include Lodging, Breakfast & Dinner)

THE CONFERENCE (18th - 19th Sept. 1998)

Covers all Aspects of Spread Spectrum (DSS as well as FH) including Theoretical Studies, Practical Implementations, System Design Aspects, Applications & Case studies, etc. Coding - Interleaving and Modulation relevant to this area would also be covered in the Conference. Selected Papers from the Conference will be brought out as a special issue of the IETE Journal of Research.

Leading experts from DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, IIT's and the Universities will be presenting papers and giving key-note talks in the Conference.

Fees: Rs.2000/- (Does not include Lodging, Breakfast & Dinner)

The fees will be only Rs.500/- for Workshop participants


Prof. R.M. Vasagam - Chairman

Anna University

Dr. M. Cleetus

Director, LRDE

Prof. K. Giridhar

I.I.T. Chennai.

Prof. Ashok Jhunjhunwala

I.I.T. Chennai.

Mr. P.M.C. Lal

ISRO, Ahmedabad.

Prof. B. SunderRajan

I.I.Sc., Bangalore.

Prof. Surendra Prasad

I.I.T. Delhi.

Prof. C.N. Krishnan - Secretary

Anna University.


* Workshop Registration : 25th Aug '98
* Conference Registration : 1st Sept 98
* Extended Abstracts of papers for Conference : 15th Aug '98

To Register Click here

All correspondence to :

Dr. P.V. Ramakrishna
School of Instrumentation & Electronics
MIT Campus of Anna University
Chromepet, Chennai - 600 044.
Ph : 044-2368833/50
Fax : 044-2368403

Last modified 28th July 1998