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Welcome to MY WORLD

I would like to welcome everyone to my web page.
I`m sorry that it isn`t as fancy as some but I thought it might be fun to try one anyway.

My name is Mark Smith. I live in a small Northern Michigan tourist town on the shores of Lake Michigan.

I enjoy the finer things in life such as Good FRIENDS, Good Company, and an Honest life-style.

This is Old Mission Lighthouse.
It is near my home and is unique because it is situated on the 45th Parallel......
which makes it exactly halfway between the North Pole and the Equator. It was built in 1870.

This me at a MDA Golf Outing in August of 1998

A very unassuming High school Grad in 1976

This is my pride and joy affectionatly named "Midnight Beauty"

To ALL MY FRIENDS Old an New remember.......................

Click on Gretchen to see My Pets Page

Click the LOGO to see me at work

Click here to learn about My Hobbies

Here are some links to my favorite places:

The eBay Cafe

The eBay Scrapbook

Amy's Jukebox

Links to the homepages of Friends:

Flashie's page

Spicey's Spices of Life