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"Storming the Fortress" Number of moves: 50
Gi-yups: 20,26,50
Start in Ready Position.

Bring feet together into attention stance, cover right fist with left hand in front of groin. Rise up on the balls of feet, bring hands to the right side and up to shoulder in a half circle, bringing hands and feet back down at the same time.
1. Twist upper body to the left, jump forward up center bar, land in twisted stance (right foot rested on ground pointing forward), middle block with right hand, supported by left palm against the side of the right hand.
2. Turn 180° to the left into left front stance, middle block with left hand.
3. Without stepping, middle block with right hand.
4. Turn 180° to the right into right front stance, inward middle block with left hand.
5. Without stepping, middle block with right hand.
6. Pivot 90° to the right, lifting right foot and forcefully disengaging right hand as though breaking a grab (right fist should contact right leg during pivot).
7. Set right foot down in right front stance, inward middle block with right hand.
8. Without stepping, middle block with left hand.
9. Turn 90° to the left, stepping into side stance with feet and chest facing up the center bar, hands in check on left hip.
10. Without stepping, outward knife-hand thrust with left hand.
11. Without stepping, middle punch with right hand (body twists to follow punch up center bar).
12. Without stepping, middle block with right hand.
13. Without stepping, middle punch with left hand (body twists in other direction to follow punch up center bar).
14. Without stepping, middle block with left hand.
15. Slide left foot in front of right foot, then step through with right foot into left back stance, two-hand knife-hand block with right hand forward.
16. Step forward with left foot into right back stance, two-hand knife-hand block with left hand forward.
17. Step forward with right foot into left back stance, two-hand knife-hand block with right hand forward.
18. Retreat with right foot into right back stance while using left hand to brush off right arm, ending in a single knife-hand block with the left hand (imagine disengaging a hand that has grabbed the right arm).
19. Without stepping, twist upper body to square off up the center bar and high knife hand block with the right hand, ending by slapping the back of the right hand into the palm of the left hand.
20. Pulling both hands to the left hip, pivot side kick with right foot up the center bar.
21. Set down kicking foot up the center bar in right back stance facing down the center bar, two-hand knife-hand block to left side (down the center bar).
22. Step forward into left back stance, two-hand knife-hand block to right side.
23. Pull right foot back next to left foot into attention stance, drop both fist down in front of groin.
24. Rise up on to the balls of the feet, then drive fists upward in a bull block, block ending as the feet touch the ground again. (A bull block consists of bringing the hands up close in front of the body in a pseudo-x-block and driving them straight up over the head until they are almost locked pointing up)
25. Step forward with right foot into right front stance, bring hands out in semi-circles, driving them inward as a double hammer strike to the floating ribs.
26. Jump (don't shuffle) forward, staying in right front stance, middle punch with right hand. Gi-yup!
27. Turn 180° to the left into left front stance, spear hand to groin with right hand (palm up as a grab) with left hand augmenting palm down under right elbow.
28. Withdraw left foot into right back stance, low block to left side (up center bar) with left hand, back fist strike to nose (down center bar) with right hand.
29. Withdraw left foot further into attention stance, feet pointing to right, eyes focused up center bar, windmill block to bring arms back to previous position (low block left side, middle block right side).
30. Pivot 180° to the left into twisted stance, middle block to both sides (body faces left, head faces up center bar, right hand middle blocks up center bar, left hand middle blocks down center bar).
31. Side kick up center bar with right foot, hands in guard position.
32. Stomp right foot down into right side stance up center bar, low block to right side with right hand.
33. Turn 180° left into left front stance facing down the center bar again, backhand strike chest level with left hand.
34. Inward crescent kick with right foot into left palm.
35. Set right foot down in right side stance down the center bar, elbow strike with right elbow into left hand.
36. Without stepping, focus to the left (the direction feet and chest are pointing), low block with right hand (keeping left hand over right elbow) and return right hand to previous position.
37. Without stepping, low block with left hand (cover left elbow with right hand) and return left hand to previous position.
38. Without stepping, low block with right hand (cover right elbow with left hand) and return right hand to previous position. (Steps 36-38 are circle blocks, arms rotating around each other)
39. Turn 90° to the right into right front stance, U-punch (left hand punches high, right hand punches low).
40. Withdraw right foot next to left foot into attention stance while withdrawing fists into check on left hip. Rise up on balls of feet, slowly move hands across waist to check on right hip, finishing hand motion as the feet touch down again.
41. Inward crescent kick with left foot.
42. Set left foot down into left front stance, U-punch (right hand punches high, left hand punches low).
43. Withdraw right foot next to left foot into attention stance while withdrawing fists into check on right hip. Rise up on balls of feet, slowly move hands across waist to check on left hip, finishing hand motion as feet touch down again.
44. Inward crescent kick with right foot.
45. Set right foot down into right front stance, U-punch (left hand punches high, right hand punches low).
46. Turn 180° to the left into a wide left front stance (almost a twisted side stance), scoop middle block with right hand.
47. Twist into a wide right front stance (still almost a twisted side stance), scoop middle block with left hand.
48. Bring left foot half way to right foot (a little in front of it), then step through with right foot into left back stance, two-hand knife-hand block to right side.
49. Turn 90° to the right into left back stance, two-hand knife-hand block to right side.
50. Step with right foot across left foot up center bar, then step through with left foot into right back stance up the center bar, two-hand knife-hand block to left side.
Retreat a full step back with left foot, then bring right foot back next to it into attention stance, cover right fist with left hand in front of groin. Rise up on the balls of feet, bring hands to the right side and up to shoulder in a half circle, bringing hands and feet back down at the same time.

Return to ready position.
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