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Buffy's House of Fruity Goodness

For those of you who have been anxious for me to update my page, wait no more! I now have wonderful pep band pictures on here, among other things, that are great used as blackmail! Enjoy!

Hey there! I'm assuming that if you are looking at this page that you know me, but I'll fill you in on who I am anyways... I'm currently a freshman at Colgate University (ok, no toothpaste jokes...). I'm a member of the Red Raider Pep Band, which is a group of awesome people that play at all home football, basketball and hockey games. That's where I got the nickname "Buffy"... cuz there's these two crazy guys that I had to play a buffer between during the first weeks of band. Oh, and did I mention that I play the trombone? Well, I do, and those guys, Dave and John (a.k.a "Spud" and "Z-DAWG", see links below) also play the trombone. I'm a math major here at ole' CU. I work in the math clinic on Monday nights, so if you're ever bored between 7 and 10 on Mondays, you can come visit me in B4 McGregory Hall. I'm also dating this great guy named Matt. But there'll be more on him later... ; ) Anyways, that's about all you need to know about me for now! Be sure and check out the great links at the bottom of this page! By the way, anyone who wants to be linked to my page, drop me an e-mail, ok??

Here's the proof that I am an official member of the NRPSL.

And here's that kooky bunch of people who we lovingly refer to as the Colgate Pep Band.

For more pictures of the band and other things that have to do with me, click here

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Some fun links!

Hockey stats for the (sometimes) awesome Red Raiders!
Stenny's potato page
The online home of the Red Raider Pep Band
The home of the National Rock Paper Scissors League (Sounds weird? Check it out!)
Gary's (aka Moses) squirrelly webpage
Come see where the Z-DAWG plays!
