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Pastor: Rev. Donald Reynolds accepted the call to be the pastor of First Baptist in November of 1999. He is a Graduate of Maranatha Baptist Bible College. Prior to accepting the call to Capac, Pastor Reynolds served as youth pastor at First Baptist Church in Hartford, Wisconsin and, Green Meadow Bible Baptist Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He was ordained on July 27, 1997 at the First Baptist Church of Hartford.

Family: Pastor Reynolds and his wife, Jill, were married on June 2, 1984. They have four daughters, Ashley (Junior @ MBBC), Alison (Freshman @ MBBC), Adrianne, and Amily.

Youth Pastor: Mr. Curt Wilson began his ministry with us upon graduation from Maranatha in 2005. Curt and his wife Kelly (Married 2006)grew up in Utica, Michigan and have a great burden for our young people and seeing teens come to Christ.