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A short list of things I like to do:

Some websites that I think are cool:

Beatles Beatles
Sesame Street
Tami's HomePage
Bill Nye Science
Anatomy Tutorial
Set: the card game

So, how has the spring semester of the year 2001 been treating you? I hope it's going well. I am taking 17 credits and I am working part time as a computer consultant on College Ave (have you seen me there?). I am enjoying my classes a lot more this semester than I did last semester. The undergrad BME department at Rutgers is a mess but they are making a little effort to get themselves together.

I am really happy where I am living this year. I am living in an old house with seven really good friends. My roommates couldn't be any better. Even though the house is not as new as the one I was in last year, it is really the people you live with and not the walls that make the house a home.

---------> These are my friends from the year I spent in Israel between high school and college. I think that this picture was taken during one of the last days I was there. For some other pictures go to my picture page. Picture Page

Have you seen my page of quotes? Granted, it doesn't look that great yet, but I'm working on it... Page of quotes Why not see how I'm coming along? (By the way, how come it takes forever to upkeep and work on a web page?)

My favorite shows (in no particular order)are the X-files , ER, NYPD Blue, Law and Order, Bill Nye the Science Guy,and the Simpsons.

February 4th: This Sunday is my birthday. I will be 22 years old. Doesn't that sound old?

Last year I changed my major from biology to biomedical engineering. It means that I am going to be an undergrad for another year. I certainly hope that it is a worthwhile change. My engineering classes are tough but I know that I'll have an easier time applying formulas than memorizing parts of a drisophila.

Before I bring you my favorite Beatle and bid you adieu, I would simply like to reveal the brand new Beatles page I just made myself. I don't really talk that much about the Beatles, in fact I talk more about myself, but you may enjoy it anyway. My Beatles Page

And now my favorite Beatle -
