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Hello, this is my RPG game review page.
Games are rated with , from five s (the best), to one .
This isn't any real rating or anything, its just based on what I think.
Here it is!!!!

Name: Final Fantasy 2 (FF4j)
Game Pictures:
Links: (I am yet to find some, if you know of any good ones, please e-mail me!!!!)
Description: Not quite as vivid characters as FF3 but still an awesome game overall.

Name: Final Fantasy 5
Game Pictures:
Links: (I am yet to find some, if you know of any good ones, please e-mail me!!!!)
Description: Pretty good game. Reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy II (4j). Now it IS released in America with Final Fantasy Anthology!!
Name: Final Fantasy 3 (FF6j)
Game Pictures:
Links:  (I am yet to find some, if you know of any good ones, please e-mail me!!!!)
Description: This is a very awesome game with vivid characters and an interesting story line. A good overall RPG.
Name: Final Fantasy 7
Game Pictures:
Links: (I am yet to find some, if you know of any good ones, please e-mail me!!!!)
Description: Story mainly focuses on main character, good overall story line, and awesome graphics, but not like classic Final Fantasies.
Final Fantasy IIX has been out for over a year now. Don't expect a review any time soon though. Also, Final Fantasy IX will come out in November of 2000, but again, don't expect a review...
Name: Secret of Mana
Game Pictures:
Links: (I am yet to find some, if you know of any good ones, please e-mail me!!!!)
Description: Not very involving characters, but an awesome game since it can be two or three player simultaneous.
Name: Crono Trigger
Game Pictures:
Links: (I am yet to find some, if you know of any good ones, please e-mail me!!!!)
Description: A totally new concept in RPGs, Time Travel!!!!! Pretty good characters and story line. One problem, main character never talks (What were they thinking?!).
    Have you figured out my conclusion???
Well, if you wondering, it's that SQUARE RULES!!!!!!!

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