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E.M.S. Oakland County Home Page

Oakland Paramedics & EMT's Are The Best in The State

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How about another try! I need pictures for the site! Send em this way and I will post them. If you have any concerns in the EMS community, post em on the Gossip board for everyone to see! Lets get this site rolling! Iam going to reset the counter and lets see how many people we can get to show up! If you know someone in EMS somewhere else send em the link, or if you know of another site, send it to me and I will post it for everyone to check out! Dont be shy, let the world know what you are doing! Lets make this a site that we can all visit and enjoy! Its good to have something to check out every day and keep up on whats going on with other services or municipalities! Lets meet others doing the same thing we are doing, and thats dealing with people, wether its sheet pretzels or seriously injured people. We care! Hope to hear from some of you and that we can get this site rolling, it's your site too, I just put the stuff in! Sheeya! Dickie
