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World UFO Network

Exposing Worldwide Conspiracies and Breaking News Stories
Zach Smith
UFOlogist, Director

World UFO Network is dedicated to finding what truth lies behind the propaganda and conspiracies against the people of this nation and planet. Involving extraterestrials, their crafts, and/or technologies. If you would like more information send me an e-mail. My e-mail address is at the bottom of this page. World UFO Network also publishes a monthly newsletter to help further educate the public on how serious this situation is. If you would like to recieve the newsletter for free send me your email, if you prefer to recieve it via snail mail I would appreciate a $5.00 donation to cover printing and postage costs

World UFO News is now accepting articles for publication. Articles must be about UFO phenomena.

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A UFO webpage recomended by World UFO News

New Area 51 photos
Black Vault (Gov't Files)
National UFO Reporting Center
The Art Bell website
The Crop circle Connector
Area 51 Research Center
World Wide UFO Reporting center

Click here to read a transcript of a UFO Lecture by Phil Schnieder, a man who was savagely killed for opening our eyes to the horror of the reality we live today. This is made possible by the courtasy of the Watchers foundation.

The Vision

Help stop world hunger, please visit this site

The Hunger Site

Click here to send e-mail to Zach.

Or write to the address below
PO Box 126, Olivet MI 49076-0126
Or reach my free 24hr voicemail and fax

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