Is Lucy still alive?

Is Lucy still Alive?

More evidence that we did not evolve from the australopithecines (like Lucy) comes from the fact that many of them may still be alive today.

Since the early 1990’s explorers to the Indonesian island of Sumatra have reported encounters with a species of primate long thought to have gone extinct. Numerous farmers and most recently Debbie Martyr have seen this species "orang pendek". (1)

The Orang pendek has been described as being orange in color and has been seen walking upright on two feet. (1)

David Chivers (Cambridge University) described the ape as belonging to a new species. (1) While others believe that orang pendek is actually the last surviving member of the australopithecine family of which "Lucy" belongs. This is of course controversial, because if a living member of "Lucy’s" family were found it would cast serious doubt on her place in the human lineage. If we allegedly evolved from Lucy millions of years ago, then why is she still here today?

The big question with Lucy is not whether or not she was bipedal. Because even if Lucy did walk upright that does not mean that we evolved from her. There are species of mongoose, and even lizards that walk upright, yet nobody places them in our family tree.

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