Dark Stars
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Dark Stars

Light and dark. We are all made up of these two things. Darkness tries desperatly to swallow the little sparks of light, the Bright Stars. But when light tries to rule those still infected with darkness, those Dark Stars, must flee for their existance.

Hello and welcome to my page. Hopefully my other page, Mystical Creatures, is more interesting. If you have any suggestions or comments, please e-mail me. Thanks! This was my first page, which I was (and still am, I guess) experimenting with. I'm sixteen years old and attend Ferndale High School where I am a Junior (11th grade).
Want to learn more about me?


Grace the surreal with your presence....
Writings and One-Liners of Rykros'
Read some stories in Swedish that my friend and his classmates wrote

Friends, Family
visit my parents page(s)
Dan Åsenlund's Writers Inn
Rykros' Landing
Visit my little brother's page.
What will soon hold Mythic Things....
Matt's PC
Harwood House of Blues

Pets of all kinds
See a picture of my beautiful dog, Ivy
A little something about my dog
Peg, my cyber pet
Home of Dogz, Catz, and Oddballz
Adopt a Dragon
Adopt a pet from a variety at Ginko's

A Pinch Of Genealogy
A professional genealogist: For Michigan, Southern Ontario, and Northern Ohio
Lenawee Genealogy Michigan
Ford Genealogy Club

Mystical places and Curiosity Fulfillers
Do you like ghosts...?
Alien Cursors?!
Encyclopedia Mythica
An interesting place indeed....
Mystical Creatures:This is my other page.
Aria Lustina's Gateway to Faeries
Lavendise-Vale of the Fae
The Faerie Encyclopedia
Dragon Mist, Land of the Dragons
Here Be Dragons!
Fantasy Page
Thre are no Pooka here
Es-Tu Pooka
Goblin Market
Dark Side of the Web
Midnight Run
Entrance to the Shadowlands
Vampires Vault
Pictures:angel pics
Angels! Angels! Angels!
Angels on the Net
The Unicorn's World
Neysa's Unicorn Picture Page

If you need help, find it here
Comedy Central:don't miss it!
Enter the realm of Ferndale High School....
Sierra On-Line

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Be a Dark Star

See other Dark Stars


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Last updated:10/28/97

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You are theDark Star. Come again soon.

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