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My Friends and Aquaintances

Rules of Friendship

I've made a lot of wonderful friends out here in cyberland. I don't like to show a lot a favoritism so let me start by saying that the first person listed is not necessarily my favorite...ok? Also, just because you're not listed here doesn't mean you're not my friend. This is a webpage, so I've only listed the friends of mine who have webpages. If you don't have a webpage and you want one just click here and register...IT'S EASY!!!

A very special lady who often sent me tons of the funniest jokes (at least till I changed my email address) is pixieOpower. She can often be found in TalkCity. She and I met at the ReflectingPool there (I think).


Donovan aka. Dahn aka. one of my very best cyber-friends. I have a great deal of fondness for him and and grateful to him for the assistance he's given me in working out some of the stickier issues I've had to deal with.

Imagine that!

A really sweet guy I met at Webnet in the Adult Cocktail Bar, is Arizona Boy. For some reason, he always thinks I'm after his cyber-money, but I'm not. I'm after his cyber-body. 'grin' (j/k) But, seriously, he's a really great guy!!!

If I had an award to give for the most romantic person I've met on the net, it would have to go to Ssexp, whom I met at the chathouse. He has shared with me an unwavering support and an expansive vision that few possess.

Thank you, Stuart!

This is Felonee :-) She has been a good friend through email whom I met sometime around the same time I met Donovan. ...and here is her webpage! ...*grinz*



I'll be adding more as I aquire permissions.

...proud member of the...
