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Coca's Book Corner.....


I have loved to read since I can remember. When I was in kindergarden, I read so well that they took me to a first grade classroom to read out loud to the class. When I read a book, I am "in" the book. It's like I am right next to the person I am reading about, watching the story unfold. Does that sound corny? I don't care, it's true!!!

I love romance books, but it has to be the right kind of romance! I only read certain authors because they write wonderfully! I like one woman, one man books where the women have brains and spunk! I love the strong men characters that I read about. Reading is an escape into another world for me. Relaxation. I would rather read a good book anyday than watch television!

I used to read all the "Trixie Beldon" books when I was in grade school. I also read the "Little House on the Prarie" series. Those are wonderful books for young readers! I read alot of "Encyclopedia Brown" books too! LOL. I also read every "teen" magazine I could get my hands on. I can't NOT read. I have to read something every day, even if it's something I've already read. I don't know why, I just know that's the way it is!

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