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Coca's Attic.....

Hi!! Thanks for climbing up here to the attic! This is were I store all of my Coca~Cola stuff that I have collected. Come in, grab an ice cold Coke and relax! I don't remember when or how I started collecting Coca~Cola, I only know that I'm addicted. Something about it just draws me to it, and I cannot seem to get enough of this stuff. Coke does happen to be my favorite beverage, and to me no other can compare! Nothing has that bite that makes you go AAAAAAHHHHHHHH afterwards.


My sister-in-law called me and told me that she saw a Coca~Cola ceiling fan in one of the ad papers. Of course, me being me, I let my hubby know that I was on a new "aquiring" mission. (LOL) I couldn't get to this store right away, so I kind of put it in the back of my mind. Then about three days later, one of my residents who knows about my addiction came to my home to let me know about this coke fan she had seen, and how cool it was. Well, that set me off again, but I still did not make it to the store. Then, a week later after the ad came out I finally made it to this store. I promptly went to ceiling fan coke fans in sight.....*sigh*, I had waited too long. Hubby, knowing how I am with my precious coca~cola things proceeds to search the entire store...nothing. I gave up. (with pretty good humor if I do say so myself) I thought, well it's my own fault because I waited too long. Along we went, doing our shopping. On the way to the check-out stand I decided to ask a clerk if they had maybe put these fans somewhere that hubby and I had missed on our mission. She told me to look on the back wall with all of the other ceiling fans. I told her we had been there and no luck...I thanked her and started to walk away when she said "just a minute, I saw one over here somewhere..." so we follow along, ever optimistic (yea, right) and there on a side shelf, was my fan. Someone had put it in their cart, must have dragged it around the store and decided at the last minute that they did not want it and had put it on a sideshelf out of the way. Needless to say, I feel that the fan was meant for me.....and I purchased it! I want to thank whoever the person was who set MY fan on the side out of the way!

Over the years many people have contributed to my collection by giving me things. It's weird how if people know you collect they keep an eye out for stuff for you! I want to thank all these people who have given me the gifts!!!!

Well, I have had my ceiling fan like 4 weeks and it finally got put up!!! It was a miracle I think. I had made a deal with my maintenance man that I would make him meat loaf and he would put it up. Never, never feed a man and then expect him to do his end of the bargain. He must first do his part of the deal and then you feed him! I made meet loaf 3 weeks ago! So, several meals finally got put up. It is beautiful and I have received many compliments on it already!

I bought a Coca~cola fishing rod at Pic-N-Save for $6.00. This was a bargain. I saw it and had to have it. Now I don't want to open it because I am afraid I may never see another one! I'm saving it for a special occasion! LOL It's really the coolest thing, but you have to love Coke in order to appreciate it.

My Sister, who collects the "P" soda (ew, ick) has informed me that she has several kinds of bottles to send to me. She is a good Sissy! I just sent her some Pepsi (ew, ick) stuff. It may not be my favorite, but it's hers and this way we won't ever fight over Coca~cola items! I respect her decision to drink the less popular soda, as it needs all the help it can get! LOL!

One of my residents brought me a present yesterday. It's the cutest thing! It's a Polar Bear backpack with a bomber jacket and hat on. It is the cutest thing I have seen in a while! I almost had an attack when she pulled it out and gave it to me! It now hangs on the doorknob of my closet in the living room. I love it!

My sister, (who shall remain nameless) sent me a coca~cola car in an envelope thru the mail. She is the coolest sister you could have. BUT, she is sooooo rude! On the outside of the envelope there, as big as you please is a return sticker that says......Coca~cola, with HER name and address. It this is not the rudest thing! Did she send ME stickers with MY name on it? NOOOOOOO, she did it to bug me you know? I will get her back though, she does not frighten me! I will send her a box of broken pepsi stuff. (Pesi being the lesser cola, she collects it!) LOL!!

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