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Apartment Chronicles....2


I was reading thru my site and discovered it has been forever since I wrote in here! It's just been busy. My apartments are pretty much filled up now. I have been dealing with a pain-in-the-butt resident for awhile now. It's a guy, he is 28 years old and acts 16. He likes to get lippy with anyone who walks buy. I swear. He needs to grow up!! One of his neighbors came over to my house yesterday morning (my day off of course) and told my hubby that he and some of his Marine buddies were going to beat this guy up and throw him over the balcony. Now, as much as I may like that idea......they can't really do that. So, I had to go notice the mother of this guy's girlfriend because she is the one who rented the apartment, for her daughter. The daughter brought her boyfriend along, who is this 28 year old loud mouthed man. Then I went and handed a copy to the girlfriend and told her to get him out because I had-had enough of him. He does not contribute to paying the rent, he wants to hang out with the 15 year olds and skateboard all day. She can do much better, she has been telling me for months that she hates him and is going to make him leave her apartment. Well, hurry up and do it then and stop complaining! This guy is making the residents that come into contact with him miserable! Because he must surely be very unhappy with his life. He needs to grow up and take responsibility!! The moron. I know I sound really bad, but if you knew this guy, you would wonder why I put up with his crap for as long as I have. Because, I try to give everyone a chance to prove themselves, but some people just won't co-operate! Anyways, it has been a beneficial learning experience. (I say that about all bad things that happen). That is is for now, sorry I let this go so long without writing, but I don't even know if anyone looks for it or not! Bye!

June 28, 1999

It's been another "forever" since I have been here. For a long time I could not figure out why my pages would not connect! I finally figured it out though as you can see.

Well, I finally ended up evicting the guy that was driving me crazy about 6 months ago. Of course, one leaves, another one comes along! I gave this family a chance. The mother bugged me and bugged me about renting here. She begged me to give them a chance. I finally broke down and gave them a chance. Big mistake. I should know by now to go with my instinct! She has a million kids. She is supposed to have only three boys living with her and her husband. Well, before I know it, she brings her 14 year old daughter that I did not even know existed to live with her! She also had her older son and his pregnant girlfriend staying with her. I finally had to tell her that the older son had to leave. I don't want to be mean to these people, but they force me to! When this family moved in I laid down all the rules to them. (I do this when anyone moves in.) They agreed to all of them, and as soon as they got settled, they set about breaking all the rules. Then when they get evicted, they wonder why???!!! Please! The kids want to stay outside all night long making noise, they want to live in a pig pen, they want to let their mangey little dog run around and poop where ever he wants to, and no one wants to pick it up! One of the younger boys, he must be about 10, knows every swear word known to man and he is not afraid to use them! Even to his own mother! Now if that were my child and he were screaming the f-word at me then he would be dining on a nice mouthful of dishsoap! I would not tolerate it! She is afraid of CPS though and she does nothing. I heard him swearing one day and I told him to his face that I would not tolerate that kind of language where I could hear it. He told me he was sorry, and for the most part he only uses it when I am not around. I still do not think it's acceptable behavior. I'm sorry, but some kids just need their rear ends spanked in order to behave! I don't think that is child abuse. To me, child abuse is beating your child for no reason, hitting them because they are there, taking your frustrations out on them because you can. I grew up with parents who believed in spanking when we needed it, and all six of us turned out pretty good if you ask me! We all graduated, none of us have been in jail, we don't used drugs, we don't steal, we don't really do anything like that. Now, I did not get spanked every day mind you, just when I needed it. Once I lit a match in my room and I got spanked for that. I could have burned the entire house down! What the heck was I thinking???? I was a kid, I really don't know why I did it. I did know before I did it that I should not be doing it though! Another time I got lippy with my Mom and got smacked for that! I knew better than that too! There were other times too, when I was doing things that I had been taught NOT to do! I am the youngest of six kids, and I know that if there had been no discipline in the house that we would have turned out bad! If a parent cannot teach their child that there will be consequences for doing wrong things, then the child will do anything he/she wants to. I know, I have seen it over and over in my line of work. I have seen more family interaction then most people. My job is "families at home". I personally think that we need some more butt whoopin parents out there and we would not have as many gangs and bad kids as we do. Before you start sending me nasty email about child abuse, let me say once again, I DO NOT believe in child abuse, but I do believe in discipline. It's just my opinion, we all have them! So anyways, because of these unruly children and their lack of discipline, this family will get a 30 day notice to move. They came in on a trial basis, knowing that if they did not mind the rules I would ask them to leave. You would have thought they would have tried harder. I recently banned skateboards from the property too. Kids, it all leads back to KIDS! I set down the rules, no skateboarding after 9 p.m. How hard of a rule is that? Well, it must be a biggie because no one could mind it! I gave these kids a million chances. I told them nightly. One day two boys on skateboards almost knocked a woman down. She was eight months pregnant at the time. I put the rule out "no skateboarding on the sidewalks". This was followed for about a day. I put up with this as long as I could because they were still not minding the first rule of no boards after 9 p.m. Finally, I had enough and the memo went out for various things and there was no more skateboarding on the grounds. Of course, they still try it, and I have to yell, but they will stop when I start noticing the parents with written warnings. Teenagers.......they think they have to listen to no one. I think the blue dye that some of these kids are putting on their hair is effecting their brain cells. Or it could be the marijuana they are smoking when the parents are not looking. Of course, if I can see the things they are doing, why can't the parents? Because some parents don't care what their children are doing as long as they are not bothering them! The manager is not the built in babysitter people! I am going to have this engraved above my office door I think!

Well, it looks like we may be selling this complex and I will move on to a new one. Personally, I cannot wait! I have been here two years and I need something fresh. Plus I hope to move to an apartment with more square footage! Time will tell! See you soon.


Well, one of my resident's made me ill! If I find out who gave me this cold germ I will evict them! (Just kidding!) I am sick though. I did not work yesterday, and I only worked a half a day today. People freak out if I am not in the office! It's good to be gone once in a while, it keeps them on their toes!

Last Saturday night, I was in my apartment, watching movies with my Hubby. My pager goes off. I look at the clock, it's 12:38 a.m. I am hoping it's not too big of an emergency for this hour of the night. I call the number on my pager. "Hello" they say. "You called me?" I ask. "Mary?" "Yes, this is Mary, did you page me?" "Yea, listen, this is Norman in #bleep, bleep. We have roaches." I run this information thru my list of emergency reasons to page your manager in the middle of the night, and it matches NOTHING!! "You paged me in the middle of the night to tell me you have roaches?!" I say. "Yea, um, uh, SHE wanted me to call you." He says. "Pest control will be out on Tuesday, I will have you treated again." I say. Then, I hang up!!!! No good-bye, no thanks for calling, nothing, I just hang up!!! I was SOOOOOOO mad!!!!!!! That is certainly not an emergency and to page me in the middle of the night is SOOOO RUDE, that I can't get over it. These people moved in two weeks ago. Now they are not talking about your everyday little brown roach. They are talking about the outside water bugs. They wander up onto the patio, and once in a while anyone who lives downstairs will get one in their apartment. It just happens. They like to come out after the sprinklers go off. So, if I had been sleeping, which I was not, but if I had, I would have had to get out of bed, I would have been frightened because everyone knows to only page me in case of an emergency, (ie: fire, flood, death, earthquake) and I would have called back to find that someone had a bug in their apartment!!!!!!! I just want to SCREAM at the top of my lungs sometimes! How stupid can someone be??? Inconsiderate! Never, in all the years that I rented before I became a manager would I have done something like that! When Hubby and I first moved into our first apartment, he used to get up in the middle of the night, get my lighter and a shoe and he would go to the kitchen and light the lighter, and smack the roaches with his shoe. Never once did it occur to me to call the manager at 2 in the morning to let her know that we had bugs! Someday I will write a book about stupid residents. Maybe tonight they will call me at 3 a.m. to tell me the refrigerator light just burned out. Who knows?!