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My Cats.........

I'm sure that like many of you out cats are my babies. Right now I have no children, although I do want them! So, I do have my "babies". I have three male cats and one female.


We got squirt about 8 and a half years ago. I wanted a kitten, and after much discussion with my hubby, because at the time he did not want any. He asked me "where am I supposed to get a kitten?" I said "jump the wall, there's a bunch at the next complex." So, he jumped the wall and went to the apartment that had the kittens, and asked for one. The man who answered the door was more than happy to give him one. My husband bent down to look at the kittens and most ran away. Then one came running to him, and that is the one he picked. He brought him home to me and after watching him launch himself around the apartment like water squirting from a squirt gun, I named him Squirt.

I don't know if many people who do not own cats realize, but cats pick you, you do not pick them. They will attach to one main person and that person then becomes "theirs". Well, my Squirt attached to me. He is my "son" and I love him!


We had Squirt for about 9 months when my husband decided that he needed a "friend". He wanted a male. I called around to the different pet shops to see if anyone had any kittens. No one did. I kept calling, finally I found one that had one left, and they said it was a male. We went immediately to see "him". Once we got into the store, we looked at an adorable white and orange kitten. Then, the sales person said it was a female. Hubby did not want her. I said, it didn't matter because we were going to get her fixed like we did Squirt. We went back to the cage where she was again and looked at her, and there she was. She had climbed up into her waterbottle holder and had her bottom paws on the bottom rung, and her top paws hanging over the top. How could anyone refuse this cuteness? We took her home. On the way home, she cried non-stop. I attemped to calm her, but the more I said the more she cried. I named her Sassy. Contrary to begin with, she immediately attached herself to my husband! He loves her soooooo much. We call her "sister" because she was Squirt's adopted sister.


Scooter was an unplanned arrival.....I was outside one evening and my downstairs neighbor came outside. We said hi and she went to the laundry room. When she came back, she was freaking out. She said she had found this cat in a box on the sidewalk. Apparantly, the kids had told her earlier in the day that someone had put a cat in a box and left it there. It had sat there all day long. When my neighbor came back from the laundry room, she give the box a nudge with her foot and it meowed! So, she opened the box and let the cat out. It was an orange tabby and it was approximately 4 months old. By this time I had went back inside of my apartment, and she called me and I went outside again and she told me what happened. There she is trying to give the cat milk. I told her it was not good to give him milk, and blah, blah. (I always feel the need to educate people on that issue.) She then bent down to pick the cat up and he bit her! I laughed, he didn't bite her hard, more of a thank you bite I think. Anyways, I went downstairs and walked over and picked him up. I asked the neighbor if she was keeping him and she said NO. So, not wanting to leave him outside all weekend, I took him home. (At this point, Hubby and I had a difference of opinions! LOL) I told him we could take "kitty" to a shelter on Monday, and he agreed. I put him down and he got up on the back of the sofa and he laid there the entire weekend. Just as perfect as a kitty can be. Needless to say, we could not take him to the shelter on Monday! I named him Scooter after a cat that I had when I was in highschool. He is a very, very, friendly and loving kitty. I'm so glad that we took him, and so is Hubby. (He was in love after the first weekend!) So, that is the story of my "Coo-boy".


One day while strolling thru the mall with my Hubby, I went into a bookstore to look for a book to read. While I was in the store, Hubby got bored and went to the pet store next door. MISTAKE! When I came out of the bookstore he wanted me to go look at the kittens. I said "no" only because I cannot stand to see the animals caged up in there. So, we walked thru the whole mall and back. Then on the way out, he wanted to look at the pets again. So, we went in and there were all kinds of kittens in there. I knew I had to have one, and secretly I think Hubby wanted one too, because he knows how I am, and he wouldn't have taken me in there if he didn't want one! First, I looked at a female kitty, I held her and hubby looked at her, and I asked him if he wanted to see any of the others and he said, "yea, the one with the big ears." So they brought "big ears" out, and he was a boy. Anyways, we brought him home, and the other three were not at all pleased! My husband named him Lucky, because he said it was the kitten's lucky day when we bought him. It's been 8 months now and things are finally settling down!! Lucky is bigger than the rest of the cats! He's gonna be one of those big old tom cats. He has huge paws. If he wants a spot that one of the other "kids" is laying in, he just goes and steps on them and lays ontop of them. They move! He will even try this with Hubby and myself, but we are bigger, and we win. LOL! We call Lucky "LB", short for Lucky Butt!

All of our cats are fixed, and they do not go outside. They have several cat trees and posts to play with, and they are all healthy. People think cats are independent animals that do not bond, and it is totally not true!! They do bond, but they bond to the person they want to.

Whenever I go outside and I come back in there is my Squirt, waiting at the door for me. If I'm right outside the door, he will sit in the window and meow till I come back in. He is very attached to me. Each cat has a unique personality, I never realized this until we had 2, and then 3 and now 4. Sassy will fetch a "tape ball" for the longest time. My husband rolls masking tape into a ball, and tosses it into the air. She will jump into the air and either catch it or hit it. She then brings it back to him. She has to touch it everytime though, no matter what! Squirt likes to hit little pieces of ice across the kitchen floor. He plays "kitty hockey" all by himself! He also likes to drink out of the bathroom sink. He is the only one that does this. Scooter is not really into "cat play" he never has been. He is the snuggle kitty. If you want a cat in your lap, call Scooter. He is outgoing and loves on everyone who comes to visit. Lucky is just a moose. He is like a bulldozer, if he wants it, he gets it. He's pretty easy going too, and he loves to play.

My maintenance man gave us one of those laser pens, and the cats love to chase the red light. All of them except for Scooter, he could care less. This is a good way to exercise your kitty. Just never shine the light into their eyes! Some day when I get a scanner, I will put pictures on this page, so you can see the "kids".

If you have pets, please spay or neuter them! They are much happier and healthier if you do! There are many more animals out there than there are homes. So, do your pet a favor and spend the money to give them a happier, healthier life! Also, if you are looking for a pet, look in the animal shelters for older animals, they may not be baby-cute, but they have an abundence of love to give too!

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