
Well.. time to update...

who want's to touch me?!?

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What else is here to attract your attention??
I don't know...

I don't edit the main pg often but the rest does change more than the main 1. Esp. the hidden pg...  :)
Well there is my quote o the moment that you can check out. I've even got some friends on my site but they've not been givin me much stuff to put up. So ya could check that out...
Hope you like it!

My AD&D page is not moving @ all anymore cuz i don't play @ all...
if i get mail then ill keep it up, and maybe change it depending on the mail...

I have renovated a hacker's section in my site..

Anybody have any comments on my site?? If so, why not take a moment to mail me @!!(i add the actual adress in case u can't use the e-mail prog on your computer, or prefer to use a web based adress.)

But first take a few moments to browse through the site.

Places to go!

Mark's ADD page
Cobras personal information
Lisa's spot here
Jeremy's place on this site
My Quote o the Moment
My Quote o the Moment Archives
What's been and still is buggin me!
hacker's section
My site updates page.
Kelly's spot is on this page.

Thank you for visiting my page.
Come back and visit 'gain!

This site has been hit times.

Cool huh? Sex is not the answer, sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer!

deckard rap

all ascii art is from ascii spot This site is best viewed with a computer.