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As you can see, this is not just a triple border. There are 5 backgrounds altogether that you need for this setup. Please download the four tiles below, as well as the blue one that this content is on. All you need to do is right Click and choose "Save as" to download them.


You will find the code needed to set up your pages below. Here are the buttons for this set, if you wish to use them.

This is the code needed to set up your pages. Copy and paste everything
BETWEEN the ####### for your source document.


<title>Happy Birthday!</title>
<body background="bfly1.jpg" BGCOLOR=#2d311c TEXT=#004000 LINK=#824136 VLINK=#ba9d56 ALINK=#6E5C7C>

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<td width="100%">
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<td width="100%">




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with this logo.