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Mike rocks.  Have I said that before?  I'll say it again. :)

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Before you do anything, go visit the *official websites* of the ladies who made it all happen:
Siobhan Fahey
Marcella Detroit

Below find a review of Siobhan's guest stint in Vegas' Walk Into The Wind video. The old review of Hormonally Yours is now relegated to this page.

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Since the reviews I wrote about the Hormonally Yours videos seemed to be such a hit, I decided to post my inane thoughts about "Walk Into The Wind", the eerily beautiful 1993 video that Siobhan made with her husband Dave Stewart's side project band Vegas. Dean tells me that to satisfy contract requirements, Terry Hall (Fun Boy Three member) went for a one-shot pairing with Dave, releasing a self-titled album under the name Vegas. In fall of 1992 they recruited Siobhan to sing and appear in this beautiful video, directed by longtime Cure videomaker Tim Pope.

Being the lead vocalist, the vid of course focuses on Terry Hall, who stands around in a little boy suit looking kinda glum and contemplating the painful beauty of flowers or something. Dave Stewart is skulking in the background with a camera, being creepy and voyeuristic as he spies on Terry....

.....and Siobhan, who looks absolutely beautiful in this. Is it even possible to look darkly Gothic and glowingly healthy at the same time?? If so, that's what she's doing as she lurks in the corners of a darkened room, behind Halloweenish orange trees and giant fans, singing the backing vocals of the song. (She was recovering from exhaustion from the HY world tour at the time, which makes her glowage all the more amazing.)

She and Terry seem to be playing the lovers of the piece, which is very funny since Dave is there (for seemingly no other reason than to be lurky, play guitar, and every so often stick his grinning mug in the camera and scare the crap out of my cats. :)

The video is full of bizarre imagery; honey in a jar, autumn leaves and flowers. These were inspired by the lyric "Maybe fall when autumn falls" heard in the song. Looks Halloweeny to me, my favorite holiday. :) At one point poor forlorn Terry tries to get happy by pushing up a smile on his face. (Reminding me of one of the scariest and my favorite TV shows of all time, Sleepwalkers....I won't talk about it here, no one will get it. :)

All in all this in one of my favorite Sister videos of all time, which is all the more weird because it has nothing to do with Sister at all.

More images from Walk Into The Wind courtesy the awesome Mike Devery. Additional info provided by Dean Lucas. Thanks fellas!! :)

I finally resized the humungo-pic of me that my friend scanned for me. Go here to see me this past summer in Indiana, you can see my shirt real good. :) The below is also me, courtesy computer cam. I made this shirt in 1997, it is getting a little fadey but still wears great. I painted the Sacred Heart logo on the front of the shirt, and the back I made up to look like tour dates in various venues (London, Detroit, other cities of personal signifigance) and on the moon (starting at Tranquility Base and ending on the dark side, where else?!)

Vaporeon gif from Vaporeon's Pokecity.

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