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~*~ Welcome To the Realm of Chakram ~*~

This is a realm that was spawned long ago after a great blast of evil energy warped our once peacful species. Our race the Catteni were reborn. We are a race made up of magick and armors. Hence while some of us look human none of us are. All creatures of our world have atleast some sentience. I bid you welcome to the world of Catten please explore ^_^ Just beware of the Androthi.

* Blessed Be *

This site is under lots of construction please watch for falling men. And PLEASE ladies don't try and grab them.



This Site Is Down!
It shall stay down until I get a chance to really work on it. I love this page I want to give you all a really nice page to look at. Sowwies for this ^_^



Please do not copy any artwork on these pages with out my express permission or that of the author.Thank you for visiting us. Please come back and visit again! Oh and don't forget to sign my guest book ^_~

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If you have any comments, suggestions or questions please have our hyper little puppy bring us an email ^_^.


And a special thanks to all my friends who have helped me in life. Cause without you I certainly wouldn't be here to make my own Realm and web page for it *grinz* Love you Guys ^_^
Now I'm not posting up names but you all should know who you are.


Oh and if there is any artwork that I'm not supposed to have here please just drop me a line and I will remove.