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Video Reviews

Home video has been both the best and worst thing to ever happen to the cinema.
Video allows us to see far more movies than we would otherwise be afforded.  We can stop and start the film at our own leisure and examine it at our pleasure.  We don't have to venture out of our safe little cocoons and deal with miscreants and malcontents, yes, I'm talking about you Ducky.
But, because we do see so many movies, it becomes harder for originality to shine, and the movie companies tend to produce, ahem, less than original films aimed at the lowest common denominator because those films will traditionally turn a profit. 
By being able to pause, fast forward or rewind a film, we lose some of the intended artistic vision of the director.  We also lose, by examining videos, some of the mystery formerly associated with the cinema.
By watching films in our living rooms, we do avoid people like Ducky, but we also learn bad habits and miss the communal sense of a film.
But, since video also lets me watch "Animal House" whenever I wish, I shall forgive the rest.

Current Releases

My rating system is as follows:
5=excellent, see it now!
4=good, see it soon
3=okay, worth your time
2=average, wait for video
1=bad, nothing better to do
I'd rather have a root canal

Rushmore *****

Enemy of the State ***1/2

The Opposite of Sex *****

Waking Ned Devine *****

Very Bad Things ****

Star Trek: Insurrection ****

Saving Private Ryan ****1/2

Apt Pupil 1/2

Holy Man *

A few of my favorites that deserve being seen again:

The StarWars trilogy,
of course.

Animal House,
one of my all time favorites.

The Blues Brothers,
OK, so I like Belushi.

Full Metal Jacket,
Kubrick's last film before "Eyes Wide Shut" deserves more
recognition than it has ever gotten.

Raiders of the Lost Ark,
Harrison Ford at his best.

And when in doubt always go to
Speilberg, Scheider, Shaw and Dreyfuss, and oh yeah, Bruce the mechanical shark!

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