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Here's my pride and joy, my 1964 Morris Mini Cooper 997 Mk1.
The first of the legendary Mini Coopers, a simplistic speed machine, with very little in the way of creature comforts. Who needs a stereo when you can listen to that magic BMC A Series engine?
"Flash" is the third of my fleet of Minis, the first, "Ferris"
(see 2 below), is a 1965 Morris Mini Deluxe Mk1 and is spending his days as a decaying shell in my parents backyard. Thanks Mum and Dad for the storage!

"Flash" (Click for more pictures and details)

"Bomber" (Click for more pictures and details)

Mini number 2 is "Bomber", a 1968 Morris Mini Mk2. Bomber has an 1100cc A Series engine, single 1 1/2" SU carb, extractors and a 2" exhaust. Since buying him, on Valentines Day 1998, I have stripped the existing horrible red/orange paint and resprayed in Jet Black Acryllic, with a Silver Blue roof, to immitate my father's 1963 Morris Mini Cooper 997, that he had when I was born and sold back in 1969. The paint job isn't great, but it was done in a few days and will be redone when I get a chance.
I've also installed a set of bucket seats from a Nissan, which give me a lower seating position and better side support than the standard seats. I can now slide the seat back on runners, a big help when you're 6'1" tall in a Mini :)

My short term plans involve getting Flash changed over to local registration, (I bought it in Queensland and live in New South Wales), finishing the custom dash, started by the previous owner and retrimming the interior as the carpet is all over the place. This will then become my show and crusing car, with Bomber to become my competition car. I intend to compete in Motorkhana and possibly Speed Circuit competiton, once I build a more reliable engine for Bomber and do some work on his suspension.


"Dad's 997 Cooper"

Mini Tyre and Gearing Calculator
Brett's Motorvation (my other Web Site)
Mini Car Club of New South Wales
Motorkhana Photos (18/10/98)
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