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Odds & Ends

This is my odds and ends page. You'll find a little of everything here. And I'm hoping to add pics soon. *S*

People ask" How can you be friends with someone you have never met?" I tell them" You have never been on line I bet!" It's something people offline will never understand. You open your heart to a friendship with your typing hands.
It's a world full of friendship at your finger tips, there is so much. Online, it only takes a heart to reach people with your touch.
First you start out online, surfing all around. Next thing you know a great friend will be found. 
You will chat a lot and surf cyber space. Soon it will be your second home, a comforting special place.
A friend to share your dreams and your tears and to help each other wipe away lifes fears. You will share life together and help each other along.
You will make it through bad weather because friendship is so strong. No matter how far apart you go, your keyboards will keep you together and in your heart you will know you don't need a face to be a true friend forever.
So, How do you explain this to people who have never been online. I guess it takes a gesture of friendship & a little bit of time.

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Here are a couple poems I wrote, but mind you, even though they came from the heart, I don't consider myself a poet.

I Pray

Over the past year
So many things have changed
Are we drifting apart
I Pray in my heart we are not

The changes in my life
Has effected everyone I love
Family and friends all hurt
I Pray in my heart, they will forgive

Will I ever be whole
Will I ever find peace of mind
Will life ever be good again
I Pray in my heart it will

The tears that fall are real
Wll things ever be the same
Am I being foolish
I Pray in my heart, I'm not...


Why am I here
What is my purpose
To hurt or be hurt
To love or be loved

Why am I here
Didn't anyone know
How my life would be
Didn't anyone care

Why am I here
Answer me true
Am I here for me
Or am I here for you

Why am I here
Tell me the reason
Tell me if you can
I need to know the *story*
Of why I am here...

Where is he

Where is that wonderful person I call friend
The one that was the constant good thing in my life for the past year
Where is he
The one that was always there for me
The one that would cheer me up when I was down
Where is he
The one that I told my deepest secrets to
The one that would laugh with me and not at me
Where is he
The one that shared his world with me
The one that understood me
The one that took me as I am, faults and all
Where is he
If you should see him
Tell him I said Hi
And that I miss him dearly...
