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Otaku Anime Center

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Today's Date is

Last Updated July 16, 1999, 12:14 AM



6:31 PM

Well, it's been a while, but I've been on vacation, and school's finally starting up, so things are a little slow right now. New titles are coming soon, and I should be able to get in another update before this friday, and then things will pick back up again, as we finally get underway. The US movie theater release of "Princess Mononoke" (known to the fansub community as mononoke hime) is coming to theaters I believe in October, and if you would like to check out the trailer, you can download it for free from HERE. The dubbing looks actually not too bad, and it will feature some well known hollywood actors, such as Gillian Anderson, and Claire Daines. The only problem I've seen so far is the mis-pronunciation of mononke at the very end of the trailer, but that's no reason not to check it out. We will be getting some new DBZ titles in soon on a trade, so if there are any episodes we don't already have that you guys would like to suggest, or request we get, then EMAIL me, and we'll see what we can do. Hopefully more coming soon.


6:31 PM

Lot's of new titles added, and Gundam Wing removed from list, along with Video Girl Ai (Eldin, you can still send in your request) and X the Movie 1999. On the Trunks Special, if anyone knows the episode #'s, and could let me know, I'd appreciate it. I have another DBZ tape sitting around here somewhere, but just can't seem to find it,so I'll add it as soon as I do. As you may have noticed, the status page has been removed, as it was just too difficult to keep up with. I've been thinking about it for a while, but it's just too difficult. The plan from now on is to send the requestee an email when his/her letter is received. I know for those of you who know of soyokaze this seems not so coincidental, but it's really been just too hard to keep up with, and it just sort of pushed me over the edge, seeing such a big and popular distro having to follow suit. We are currently working on trades to acquire the rest of Macross 7 (hallelujah) as we have been promising it for a long time. More updates in a few days, so stay tuned..........................

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