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† Forward And Deadication †

I am AutumnBlack...What you are about to embark on is a journey through the minds eye and soul of a "dying angel"... metaphorically used because we are all brought into this life beautiful and unscathed, yet imperfect and dying the moment we are extracted from the womb. I am no different than anyone else...I bear emotions and I can feel...I am elated when happiness abounds...and I bleed deep crimson when I've been cut. These "encounters", if you will, are "dead"icated...and I imply that with all the individuals and situations that have entered and exited the revolving doors of the world in which I've become accustomed to, but in reality, a world in which we all exist or have existed in at one time. I curse you for leaving me alone to rot in the damnation of your dark and empty void... Yet in the same shallow breaths I commend you for planting the seeds of creativity which has allowed me to give birth to such verse, in hopes that others can identify and see that they are not alone and unguarded. And...for you who have brought me joy and enlightenment...I give you my gratitude, my love, and my heart...eternally...for you have kept me from drowning in a river of tears and a cess-pool of self destruction... Blessed Be...You all know who you are...just as I know who I am...I am AutumnBlack...and these are my encounters...through the eyes of a dying angel.........^AutumnBlack~~>™

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All poetry Copyright © 1997-99 AutumnBlack. All Rights Reserved.


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~ Writings By AutumnBlack ~

*** Various thoughts that repose in my mind... ***

*** About The Author...Me. ***

~ Where Kindred Spirits Roam... ~

***** Links to some personal favorites *****

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