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One day.....

You are walking thru the cool,damp forest.You have absolutely no clue where you are-you're totally lost.

As you walk,you have the constant feeling of being watched-you can't get away from it.

Suddenly,you hear a quick rustle of the leaves near you.Startled,you turn around,but before you can reacted,you are pinned to the nearest tree by some creature or another!!!!

"State your business or die,scum!"snarled the...the...whatever it was.You take a closer look.The speaker is a big female wolf-the oddest looking wolf you've ever seen.She has rich cocoa-brown fur,with cream underparts,and a mass of jet-black hair that hangs in her face.She carries a vast array of weapons."Who are you?"you stammer,quite frightened.

"I am Wyndsong,leader of the AEV-Association for the Eradication of Vermin.So take your pick.Join if yore a goodbeast,or think about it....but if you're an evilbeast,then I'm afraid your only choice would be to die.So...?"

You get the feeling that this decision is rather important if you want to live to see tomorrow.

What do you say?T'aint much of a choice......

Sure, I'll join!
No!Let me go back to the horde and I'll show yeh!
Let me go!I hafta think about this.