Annis Family in the News

A collection of newspaper articles from the past and from various sources that include Annis family members.


Source: The Californian North County Times Net

Date: January 14, 2002

Torch relay to enter California en route to Winter Games

LOS ANGELES ---- The Olympic Torch Relay was set to enter California early today en route to Salt Lake City forthe Winter Games.

The relay, which began in Atlanta Dec. 4 and will reach its destination in time for the Olympics' opening ceremony Feb. 8, was set to cross the border into Imperial County from Yuma, Ariz. around 6:30 a.m.

The relay was scheduled to travel through San Diego on Monday and hit Orange County and Los Angeles on Tuesday, moving northward through the state as the week progresses, organizers said.

On its way, the flame is being carried by 11,500 torch bearers, including celebrities and Olympic athletes, but mostly ordinary people nominated by friends and family members for their inspirational qualities.

When the relay rolls through Orange County, one torch carrier will be 20-year-old
Jason Annis of Placentia, a star athlete who was nominated by the mother of a boy with Down syndrome whom Annis befriended.

"I can never repay Jason for the impact he's had on Darren's life," Joy Crow said of
Annis' relationship with her son. "This is my way of saying thank you for a gift you can't purchase."


Source: Bangor (ME) Daily Whig and Courier

Date: February 22, 1895

Said He Was Robbed

But it Was Only and Hallucination On His Part

Joseph Devo called at the police station yesterday morning and reported that the night before he had been robbed, claiming that Bert Annis did the robbing and the police were at work some time on the case. They found Annis and learned his side of the story.

Devo claimed that Annis knocked him down on Broad street and then took the $15 from his inside pocket. Annis denied this and said that Devo fell down of his own accord. Officer Fabey corroborated this statement. He was watching Devo, who had apparently been drinking, and saw him fall where Devo claimed that he had been knocked down.

The robbery theory on Devo's part was entirely exploded and there was no case against Annis. Devo was then taken before the Municipal Court on the charge of drunkedness and was fined $3 and costs.

Source: Bangor (ME) Daily Whig and Courier

Date: May 2, 1896

Suddenly Disappeared

But Mailed His Regrets to His Creditors

Kennebunk, May 1. - Conn Annis publisher of The Kennebunker, a weekly newspaper, who for several years has also run a summer society paper, The Open Sea, at Kennebunkport, suddenly left town last night on account of heavy indebtedness. Just before he departed he mailed letters to all his creditors, announcing his regret at being unable to settle their accounts. His whereabouts are unknown.

Source: Bangor (ME) Daily Whig and Courier

Date: December 6, 1899

Local News

Mr. E. G. Baker, insurance agent of Bangor, was in town Tuesday investigating the cause of two recent fires at the house in the neigborhood of Burr street, which is occupied by Mr. John McInnis and owned by Mr. Alvin Annis of Providence, R. I. McInnis has $500 insurance on furniture and Mr. Annis $300 on house.

Source: Bangor (ME) Daily Whig and Courier

Date: December 29, 1899

Lincoln Locals

Our correspondent writes: As Mr. William Annis of Lincoln Centre was driving quite fast down Main street last Sunday, a small boy, belonging to Mr. Everett undertook to run across the street directly in front of the horse. Mr. Annis made an effort to check his team, but was unable to do so soon enough to avoid a collision. The boy was knocked down, and run over, but strange to say, was uninjured, although badly shaken up and frightened. Mr. Annis picked the boy up and gave him a silver half dollar. After being carried home he made the remark that he wouldn't mind being run over some more, if he could get another half dollar. It was a very narrow escape, but no doubt the boy was pleased to get the money to spend for Christmas


Source: Reno Evening Gazette

Date June 18, 1879

A Leap For Liberty

Charles Annis, who was sentenced from Eureka county, to seven years in the state prison for horse stealing, made his escape from Matt Kyle, sheriff of Eureka county, last night by jumping from the westbound overland train about four miles east of Clark's station. Annis was handcuffed, but had managed to loosen the shackles in some way, and on Kyle's getting up and going to the other end of the car for a drink of water, slipped them off, ran out of the door and leaped from the flying train out into the darkness. The engine slowed up almost immediately, and the train was backed up to where Annis had jumped off, but no trace of him could be found. Sherrif Kyle came on into Reno, and this morning instituted a vigorous search for the fugutive. He offers $100 reward for Annis' apprehension, who is described as being about thirty years of age, 5 feet 9 inches in hight, weighs 105 pounds, has a dark complexion, heavy eyebrows, index finger gone off his right hand, and wears a habitual downcast expression on his face. He was formly employed as a brakeman on the V. & T. road. At the time Annis made his escape the train was running at a speed of 28 miles an hour.

Source: Reno Evening Gazette

Date June 26, 1879

Little Prospect of Annis' Recapture

Charles Annis (some of the papers still insist on calling him Ennis, when his name is Annis) seems to have made good his escape. At least all trace of him has been lost. It is quite probable though, that he is hiding with some friends in the immediate neighborhood of town, especially as he is known to have come very close shortly after his escape, and nothing can be heard of his being seen at any place distant, which most certainly have been the case had he been traveling out of the country.

New Hampshire

Source: Nashua (NH) Telegraph

Date: November 1, 1948

Highest Decorations In Odd Fellowism for Nashuan

Two members of Canton A, Patriarchs Militant, this city, received the highest decoration in Odd Fellowism at a ceremony Sunday evening at the Odd Fellows Home in Concord.

The Grand Decoration of Chivalry was conferred upon George E. Annis, this city, and Edward W. Carter, Reed's Ferry, both colonels in Patriarchs Militant. George Matthews, Claremont, a brigadier general in the order representing the General Commanding of PM, conferred the decorations.

Attending the ceremony locally were Mrs. George Annis, a past president of the Department Association, Ladies' Auxillary, Patriarchs Militant, and Mrs. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. James Annis, Mrs. Clara Coulombs, Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess and Peter Rangazas

Annis Family Association


The Annis Family in the US and Canada