Welcome to Planet Zuno
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Zunonians at Large: View pictures and descriptions of some citizens of Zuno who have opened a door way off of Zuno to the planet Earth. These beings are known through out the Zunonian culture for there style and grace (or lack there of).

More Zunonians at Large: View more Zunonians.

Life on Zuno: If you have never been to Zuno, then check this out. There are some pictures here of the Zuno-scape and some native wild life.

If you would like to declare Zuno as your home world, then go ahead and send us an undoctored picture of yourself and a short background of your life to date. Then we will give you a job like the others and post you on the page if you can show just cause for being here. All e-mail including for this purpose may be sent to zunonians@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot for stopping by and we here on Planet Zuno can't wait to hear from all you other zunonians out there.

Why you should want to be from planet Zuno?

Check out the New Planet Zuno club here on Earth:Planet Zuno

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Thanks for stopping by, remember if you should be doing something,
it is the pefect time to procrastinate and visit Zuno.