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A PlAcE fOr TeEnS On ThE NeT!!

What up ppl's!??:) Thanxs for coming to TeEnS PlAcE!..Well i finally have a web-page that i have been doing myself!!:)ApPlAuSe I'm so proud of myself..Well okay i'll tell you bout myself well um i am 14 years old and i live in Michigan..I live in a small town close to AnN ArBoR, and i love sports oh and by the way my name is RoSaLyN and i just happen to LoVe Basketball!! and.. well i play the flute listen to rap,r&b,and some other stuff(i don't like that heavy metal junk) sorry to all you ppl out there that love it well thats just not me..And um if you have any sugestions on how to immprove my web-page like e-mail me okay please thanxs:) And I'm planning on having a little(ALOT) more stuff on mah page and things like that and i wanna say hi to all my CyBeR FrIeNdS (SuP Margie,Misty,Lil Soltis,Kyle and Amanda and to anyone else i 4got:) you all keep it real otay) Well um thats bout all i have to say okay but make sure you... CoMe BaCk LaTeRz!!

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DoN't bE PuShIn mE MoRe tHaN OnCe oR ElSe........

BeS nOt Go hErE fOr YoUr oWn GoOd!! dOn'T Go!!!

My PaGeS

My LiNx PaGe..
StUfF bOuT Me...
eMbArRaSsInG MomEnTs pAgE!..
A tEeEn MeSSaGe bOaRd.....(If you want a pen pal or looking for someone special POST IT!!)

StUfF ThAt Is GonNa Be On My pAgE
