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Thé ßégîññîñg

Tarie Kayton VonHelwig she was born centuries ago in the vast teritory of Hades. Her father, who's name was Blakwelll and her mother's name which was Antasia brought her and her twin sister Kai'tana into the 9th layer of Hell, the Frozen pit of Cocytus to raise them and train them to be warriors of the Elite Statue in their Kingdom of Hell.

Shortly after Tarie and Kai were born, their mother passed away from complications of giving birth and Blakwelll was left to raise both of them, now mind you, an overgrown demon raising two little demonesses is not an easy task at hand. But, with the help of Beazelbub himself and Asmodeus, the task was getting easier on him.

Tarie and Kai were trained day and night in the art of dueling and combat by everyone around them. They all watched over them as if they were their own.

As Tarie got older she became a great warrior in the depths of Hell, while Kai'tana stood in the shadows being the Lady that she was. Tarie fought great battles for being a woman of high standings within the realm and was praised upon by many. Especially that of Asmodeus.

Asmodeus gathered a liking for Tarie as the years grew on. They shared many of great stories together of friendship, lust and battles. They had to keep it a grave secret for that if Beazelbub ever caught wind of it they would be banished from Hell forever and sent away from each other, never to be seen again.

Tarie and Asmo kept this up for many of years until one day Beazelbub caught them in the act. He killed Asmodeus on sight and sent Tarie to a new world by the name of RhyDin, so she could remember what she had done wrong in Hell and never to return there again.

Tårìëš Lîfé
