

Greetings & Salutations!!

It's time for a change. Coming up next.

Can't wait? Check below and find out your usual good info.


Guess what. Now you can see a pic of the author/creator of StepToYourMusic (I know you've just been *dying* to see this--sarcasm added). Alas, such is the wonder of the internet.

Special thanks to my friend Joel for scanning this in. For all of you single ladies out there, if you're looking for a literarily brilliant, intriguing, honest,

great guy, then here's your guy. Click HERE
to see the aforementioned photo.

view me. | tell me what you think...sign me.

The purpose of this page is to allow people to realize what is really out there-- to step outside of their own comfortable little zones. See another point of view. Look at things differently. Then, we will see change in this country-- which is needed. Countless times I'll be troubled by what I see in our society, such as the objectification
of women, the state of our animals,
to the way Americans view each other. It seems as though we have shunned certain words (you'll see why later) and even certain people. All of us have a common vein-- we all bleed red and we are all human. More importantly, we all want to be loved. It's up to us to make this world better. Sure, some will say it's a dying fight, but as long as I'm here, I'm still going to be the one with "soapboxitis" and trying to right out the wrongs. The bottom line: I care. And I care a lot about other people.

Okay, here's the nitty gritty on me: I am a 6 foot tall, 1/2 inch, XX chromosomed former Student Body Vice-President/President of the Senate and student leader with brown hair and eyes. I was recently involved in MTV's Model Mission Competition, and I enjoy reading, writing, and speaking with other people. I also have a passion for information. Perhaps that's why I'm a spermologist. Before you look at the screen again, thinking you misread, I'll tell you now: it's a collector of trivial facts. Information is very important to me-- it's what keeps all of us connected, gossiping, laughing and doing the things we do. Perhaps that explains some of the links you will find below. These sites range from humor to politics, so I hope you enjoy them. Sit back, relax, and point your happy little mouse till your wrist, no, better yet, your MIND and SPIRIT are content. And now, let's get on to it...

CAUTION: if you're not ready to come out of your comfort zone, don't step below this introduction. Remember. I warned you. You may learn something.

Estrogen & Testosterone Abundant: These are excellent sites with issues pertinent to both men and women--- from quizzes & health info to political and social issues. It's important for many to realize that these sites are not the exclusive domains of women-- to have true "partnership" in all, we must have BOTH genders aware of and educated about what the other faces...Click on.

The Mistress of Magic
Real Faces
XX Chromosomed People
Quizzes for all Genders, Facts & Full o' Fun
Female Search Engine
That "F" Word that Everyone Hates to Use
Life Flow
NEW!! NEW!! Men's Health Magazine Online

It's All About People... This section relates to people. It's got all sorts of fun stuff, from thinking people, to those that don't think (you'll know what I mean when you get there), to stuff that'll make you laugh. All of these are great sites, and they're for fun, for thought, for whatever you apply them toward. Please keep in mind that these are to inform. They are to get you to look OUTSIDE of your frame of reference. If you see a problem with that, don't click on them.
Perception is NOT Everything
Global Sisterhood
This site has a wide array of email postcard options. There's something for everyone! NEW! NEW! Free Voice-Mail E-Postcards.
The Knapsack on Some Ivory Shoulders...
The Wrath of the Year 2000 Voter
We're Watching You
NEW!! NEW!! Looking for that Special Someone?
Make sure you check out "Sites from the Lunatic Fringe" ---->. Open Minded? Step On In!
What Happens When People Think for Themselves
Dating, Mating & Relating
The Voice
Get Text Translated for FREE in over 3 languages
NEW!! NEW!! Families of a Different Shade

Humor & Miscellany: Here's where you can laugh and point, Think, giggle n' wheeze. Enjoy.

The World Famous Joke A Day--you'll giggle; you'll grin; you'll love it
Advertising Parody
My Educational Institution of Higher Learning
Find Folks
Are You Left Handed?
NEW!! NEW!! You've Never Seen Anything Like It--Guaranteed.
A MUST-SEE for Site Masters The E-Zine With an Edge
NEW!! NEW!! What Corporate America Doesn't Want You to See
One People, One Planet, One Community

Quote Unquote: Here's where you can take your mind to another astral plane.

Yield and you need not break; Bent-- you can straighten; Emptied-- you can hold; Torn you can mend. -the Dakini Shakti

We must be the change we wish to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi

Retain what is useful and ignore the rest. -Bruce Lee

Women are half of the population and gave birth to the other half. -Liz Torres

The beautiful lotus grows in mud. The depth of the mud determines the strength of the roots. -Buddhist chant, roughly translated

And it harm none, do as thy will. -(portion of) Wiccan Rede

Ignorance is the most violent element in society. -Emma Goldman

If a woman does not keep pace with her companions, perhaps it is because she hears a different drummer. Let her step to the music she hears, however measured or far away. -Henry David Thoreau (modified)

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Again, feel free to email me with any questions or comments you have about the site.


StepToYourMusic. LoveYourselfLoveYourBodyLoveYourCultureLoveYourMind


StepToYourMusic. It's a Way of Life.

all text (c) G. Summer M. Scarbough, 2000

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