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Anthony's Transloader
Audioscopes [Chardonnay1]
Audioscope [tutorial]
Audioscope [Madrabbit]
Backgrounds [1001]
Backgrounds [WebMaster's Tool Box]
Banners [Raven's Exotic Corner]
Banners [Banners by Rexy]
Banner tutorial [Kathy's]
Banner Creator [Crecon]
Banner Generator List [fancymay's]
Bounce [email & posts]
Button Maker
Button Banner Text Links
Clearing Station
Clocks [WarpSpeed]
Color Chart [Delilama's Printable]
Cut Copy & Paste
Draac's HomePage
Dr.Watson's v4.0
ericpaul's Link Page
FKEYS [hms56F@Key]
FKEYS [Nightowl's Roost Collection]
FKEYS [Owens4 ver1/2]
FKEYS [Soulmate's Orig FKey]
Form Tutor
Frames Decoder
Frame Course [draac]
GIFS [Lady Oh's]
Gif Works
Graphics [seedytheteck]
Graphics [Lucille's]
Graphics [SoulMate's]
Guestbooks Counters&Trackers
HTML [soulmate's resources]
HTML Sources
HTML Test Bed
Image Cruncher
Image Magick Studio
Image Wrecker
Imaging Station [Hipstar's]
JavaScript Made Easy
JavaScript Resources [Ralph's]
Label Maker
Logins to your Editors
Madrabbit's Validators
Makers [soulmate's resources]
Meta Builder
Midis [soulmate's page]
Midis [search engine]
Midis [listen to 70's & 80's]
Menu Builder
Net Mechanic
Net4TV voice
Nifty Text
Newsgroups [Hipstar's]

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Now that you have Webtv what can you do with it? Good question! If your intentions are to gain as much knowledge as possible in the most orderly fashion then you have arrived at the precise site. I intend to take you on that journey of PROGRESSION FACTOR A progression from the time you opened that all too familiar webtv box; to the time you will be creating quality webpages that will ultimately become your VERY own HomePage.

First thing you'll probably be interested in will be WEBTV itself. A good place to start would be the ARCHIVES from Day 1 of webtv's inception. This will provide the Foundation of what has Occurred and what's still to Come.

Another great place to "check out" should be KodeKracker's Webtv's InfoCenter a great source for webtv information.

It won't be long before you'll want to send your first EMAIL. You can start here by sending me a quickie email and letting me know your HERE and whether your finding anything useful.

While enjoying the use of email make sure you venture into your FAVORITE section and begin setting up your FOLDERS. We're allowed to produce 20 folders and in each folder (32) favorites can be entered. That's 20x32=640 favorites for one account. Your probably saying to yourself, " there's NO way I can accumulate 640 favorites. GUESS AGAIN! I've been doing this now for nearly (3) years and I have utilized my other (5) accounts so that comes to (1) Primary account @ 640 FAVORITES plus (5) Secondary accounts for a grand total of 3,840 favorites. MIND BOGGLING

Before your head begins to swim let's move further with email and posts. You will view some pretty neat stuff, either in other emails, or on homepages, or in attachments sent to you and the first thing you will say is " HOW DID THEY DO THAT" ? What your viewing in the email is called a SIGNATURE, a place where you can manipulate and decorate Here's How you can make your email come ALIVE.

You need to learn the basics of HTML . Does that mean I have to go to school? Well, yes, in a sense, you do. But your classroom will be brought to you VIA the hard work and expertise of other webtv webmasters who have takin' the time to create tutorials to assist new members, like yourself, in learning, step by step, (the building process) so that you can make a COOL email signature & eventually a AWESOME HOMEPAGE of your very own.

Listed below are a few excellent HTML tutorials that will get you started. Visit each one and decide which one best fits your needs. Each has a different presentation format, but all cover the same material, HTML. I've listed them alphabetically so as not to sway your decision of choice:

Draac's HTML school for Beginners

Dave's HTML Tutorial

HTML 4 Rookies

JBird11's Webtv Sig Help

Slowpoke's Help Site

Sue's HTML Tutorials & Help Pages

Warp Speed's Help Pages

I was hoping to fit everything on (1) Page, but no such luck. To continue on please

    All Links checked for accuracy on 4/12/2000. 100% of Links working properly. If you find one that is not, please send email to and I will correct the error. Thank You.