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S.I.M. Headquarters



Libre Etre Libre
(Free to be Free)

A political party that was created for a government class quite some years ago. While reading this, picture anarchy being represented in a political debate.


We are an anarchist socialism (in loose terms). We fight for the embetterment of human freedoms and the social and economic changes needed for today's society.

In essence of the corrupt and obsolete ways of the government, it is our desire and our goal to disband all known subsidiaries of it. This will include taxes, foreign policy, national currency, and all government controlled organizations. The dissolving of these subsidiaries will surely bring about social and economic changes which we seek to bring forth upon this nation.

All other organizations built in the image of the current government will also be abandoned (i.e. churches, corporations, etc...). Anything done in private will not be chided, however, public display of such will be looked down upon by the general populous.

The criminal justic system will be reformed to the point of non-existance. All laws will be abolished so that the illegality of the participation of breaking the ex-laws will disappear.

Over-population being an ever-growing problem, abortion and suicide will be smiled upon by the populace. No benefits shall be imparted to those who are of a family nor those who mother or father a child.

The institution of the family will no longer be enforced, as it resembles a despotic form of government with the mother (queen) and the father (king) enforcing their authority upon the children (underlings). This will be exchanged for a system of partnership and equality for all individuals in society. It will be a human family of equal brotherhood.

Public education will also no longer be enforced, nor will it be provided. The task of learning will belong to those who wish to seek it out. Wisdom and knowledge cannot be forced on a person, it must be desired; otherwise it is wasted.

Equality will abound those who wish to seek it out and grab hold. If there is a wish to be subjugated in any form (drugs for example), it will be permitted to a certain point until one person subjugates another to act on his/her behalf. This will be looked down upon by the general concensus, thereby stopping the cycle.

Private property will be abolished. Everything will be owned by everyone. There will also be no possessions and no lust for possessions as everyone is entitled to everything. The act of theft will disappear due to this. The misuse of land will also cease as all people will look out for that land because it is theirs also. No one person possesses anything yet every person possesses everything.

The nation of America will stay a single nation. All those who wish to alight on America's soil will be welcome to do so, as will those who wish to leave it's borders. There will also be no extension outwards in influence nor in philosophy.

Freedom will be granted to everyone through these social and economic changes.

There will be no crime.

There will be no taxes.

There will be no overpopulation.

There will be no social classes.

There will be no violence.

There will be no war.


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